Killed With Three Palm Strikes! (2)

First-realm, second-realm, third realm…

The physical strength of the first-realm was equivalent to a human's Transcendent-grade, the body of a Martial Sage.

The second-realm corresponded to the Soul Platform realm, and the third to the Cloud Ascension realm.

Of course, this was because their physical bodies were about the same. Other martial arts, divine weapons, innate abilities, and rare treasures were not counted.

If all of them were added up, the first-realm devils would not be a match for a Transcendent-grade Martial Sage.

This was because every martial artist who advanced to the Transcendent-grade would cultivate extraordinary martial arts. They would have at least 100 years of true essence cultivation.

How could a small devil that had just completed its transformation compare to a full unleashing of his physical body and Essence Soul?

However, it was different for the devils in the second-realm.