Pure Sword Sage Pei

It pondered over it.

In the end, the Essence Soul had no choice but to give up on thinking about this problem.

This was because it had no clue at all. The power of his domain was still far from him.

It had not even reached the Soul Platform realm, let alone the Cloud Ascension realm.

The power of a domain was not something that could be achieved in one step. It was also a step-by-step transformation. Only in a certain realm could one touch it.

Su Jingxing's Essence Soul was only in the Soul Formation realm and was still far from the Cloud Ascension realm.

If it did not understand domains, how could it add other attributes to its domain?

Of course.

Nothing was absolute.

Perhaps one day, it would suddenly have an idea and accidentally understand what a domain was.

For now, it was safer to put away the Domain Card.