The Queen Mother's Warning (1)

In the sea area of the Insect Emperor Island.


In the sky above the vast sea, the void suddenly split open, and a huge hole appeared.

Hu hu hu!

Strong winds swept through the sky and sea.

The dilapidated city of White Emperor City emerged from the void and arrived on the surface of the sea.


Invisible energy fluctuations shook the surrounding seawater, producing circles of waves.

"We're here."

On the outer platform of White Emperor City, Zeng Busan pointed at a huge island shrouded in thick mist a thousand meters ahead on the right. He introduced, "That's Insect Emperor Island. A special energy barrier covers the area within 800 meters of the island.

"All these years, we've been trying to break the barrier and enter the island, but we haven't succeeded," Xiahou Chuanwu added from the side.