Mutant Blood Strengthening (3)

As for how many he could fight, it was hard to say. After all, he had never tried it before.

He had also tested its destructive power. Zhou Jing found a hotel and asked for some materials. He held the solid wood in his hand and could break it easily. With a little force, he could crush it into pieces. The stone bricks were equally fragile in front of his fist.

"With such a physique, it should be very easy to flatten the buildings of this era."

Zhou Jing had a vague idea. When fighting against mutant beasts, hunters might have a hard time, but if they caused trouble in the city, they would probably be like a bulldozer.

However, the Mutant World did not have the various instruments of the main world, so he could not test the specific physical parameters. He could only try his best to estimate.

Zhou Jing pulled Ross over and studied him for the entire night, discovering the changes in his current body.
