Appointment and Bottleneck (1)

[The projection has ended.]

[Actual time of stay: 12 days]

[Current resource collection: 514 Astral Points]

[Experience log has been recorded, and relevant exploration results have been entered into the Records.]

[Cooldown till next Astral Projection: 16 hours in main body]

The projection time was over. Zhou Jing returned to the preparatory space, and the interface information appeared.

"Yo, there are quite a lot of Astral Points this time." Zhou Jing took a look at the statistics and realized that it was from killing the high-risk mutated beast.

In addition, his Astral Apostle's synchronization rate had already reached 64%. The moment it exceeded 50%, the rate of his return settlement was increased proportionally to his synchronization rate.

A synchronization rate above 50% was an additional bonus. Thus, the rewards rate of the Astral Apostle, Jason·Wood, was 114%—-which was 14% more than before.