Revenge Mechanism (2)

The bear's leather armor with a fur collar on its body had inherited the characteristics of the Claw Rending Bear. It provided him with superior defensive capabilities, making it difficult for ordinary thrusts and slashes to pierce through.

Zhou Jing stirred up a storm in the group of Subterraneans, killing to his heart's content and shattering the other party's formation.

As he casually cut off the throat of one of the Subterraneans, the interface suddenly flashed at this moment.

[Will·Wood (Apostle Serial #001) died primarily from ambush.]

[Completed revenge against the culprits]

[The evaluation of this Astral Apostle has increased slightly.]

[You can inherit a certain ability of Will·Wood at no cost… Assessing, no uninherited abilities currently available.]

[Triggered achievement: Revenge must be sought!]

[Milestone [Avenger] Progress: 1/5]

"Huh?" Zhou Jing was slightly stunned.