Suspicion And Estrangement (1)

"What happened here?!"

Many hunters looked at the ruined hall in shock.

Everyone saw Zhou Jing standing on top of Buzz-cut's corpse, pulling out his saber.


Weiss cried out.

The others also recognized Zhou Jing, covered in blood, and their hearts trembled.

During the day, Jason drank and chatted with them in the tavern. Why would he start a massacre in the lord's castle at night? He even fought to the point of a pyrrhic victory!

What had happened in this half a day?!

Because they did not understand the situation, many hunters did not know what to do. They stopped at the open door and did not move, watching in a daze as Zhou Jing dragged his bloody body and moved step by step.

Under everyone's gaze, Zhou Jing staggered towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

His vision was already blurry, his jaw was broken, and his nerves were in pain.