Super Honorable And Righteous Mister Zhou (1)

Zhou Jing pulled his phone further away, feeling a little helpless.

"Zhou Wei'an contacted you in private?"

"That's right. He first congratulated me on becoming a Super, then said that you were forced to immigrate and needed a spot as a Super's assistant to solve the problem. He wanted to ask if I could give you the spot!"

"This guy… Sigh, you don't have to bother with him."

Zhou Jing rubbed his temples, feeling a little annoyed.

When the Immigration Bureau visited yesterday, Zhou Wei'an had learned from them that Li Xiaoyin had become a Super. Just one day later, he had already contacted her.

Zhou Jing realized that his heart was already as calm as water towards Zhou Wei'an's way of doing things. There were no ripples as if there was no disappointment at all.

The only thing he was angry about was that this person had bypassed him and used his relationship as her best friend to disturb Li Xiaoyin…