Empire Hunter; Undercurrents (2)

Zhou Jing smiled, "That's great. I've always wanted to undergo my Third Enhancement, but I've never encountered a suitable potion. I hope I can gain something here."

"… You plan to undergo a Third Enhancement?"

Cole's eyes lit up as if he had heard that his student would take the Ph.D. exam.

Even among the Empire's Hunters who received the most generous resources, only a small number of them were willing to risk dying to continue enhancing through the mutant blood.

It was always a gamble of life and death, placing one's life in the hands of illusory luck. It was fine if it happened once or twice, but one would subconsciously be afraid after winning a few times. Unfortunately, not everyone had such courage.

Those who dared to continue enhancing were either because they had a firm mentality or the persistence to advance bravely…

…Or they were merely gambling addicts.