Secret of Sorcery (3)

"I don't think he fainted from shock. He probably suffered from an energy overdraft."

Zhou Jing's face twitched as he spoke.

Initially, he had a lot of questions to ask this mysterious person who seemed to have a different power system. Seeing this, he could only swallow them down for the time being.

"Let's take a look at this person's attributes."

Zhou Jing had no choice but to open the interface and activate his detection.

[Attributes: Physical Fitness 7, Resistance 9, Perception 10, Spirit 18, Energy 20]

"Dammit, his mental strength is several times higher than mine, to think he even fainted just like that. He's probably just faking it."

Zhou Jing cursed inwardly.

With such a distribution of attributes and the combat performance just now, this was clearly a power system different from that of the Mutant Blood Warriors. It was like a mage system.