If You Want To Learn, I'll Teach You (1)

At night, the warm light from the brazier shone on the outer wall of the Golden Castle. The blue bricks were tinted orange-red in color.

Most of the people had already retired to rest. The castle was silent, and the occasional scraping sound of armor pieces colliding could be heard as the guards patrolled.

In the Privy Chancellor's bedroom, Roman was reading at night, flipping through the information.

Thud thud thud…

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Roman looked up in confusion. After confirming that he did not send a trusted aide to report tonight, he immediately became vigilant.

"Who is it?"

As he spoke, he stood up and threw the information into the furnace. He activated the power of sorcery and quietly completed the fusion of the paper with the furnace.

Whoosh! The fire suddenly intensified, quickly burning the paper to ashes.