Chosen (1)

The auditorium was where all kinds of collective meetings and major ceremonies were held in the academy. The dome was extremely high and covered a large area, enough to accommodate more than 10,000 people. The interior color scheme was a simple silver-white.

The entrance ceremony was held today. Nearly 4,000 new students were gathered in the hall. In addition, there were also the higher-ups of the academy and some of the older students.

At this moment, the seats in the hall were divided into three levels from the back. At the front were the instructors of the academy, and in the middle were the seniors' seats. They were divided into a few distinct faculties, and it was obvious at a glance. At the back were all the new students sitting together.

After a noisy search, Zhou Jing and his three best friends finally found their seats. They stayed in their seats and chatted while observing the situation.