Rules of Astral Travel; Approaching Confluence Period (3)

"That's the general situation. What we'll learn next is the basic information of the previous Mutant Beast Civilization plane."

With that, Shen Xinqin fiddled with something on the rostrum.

In the next moment, the sound of electronic beeping filled the air. Virtual projections popped up on the multi-purpose desk in front of every student. It was the same map.

Zhou Jing took a closer look and his heart skipped a beat.

This map was actually a map of the Mutant World.

The products drawn in the main world were much more detailed than the local maps of the Mutant World. After searching carefully for a while, he could actually find the location of Frostwood Village.

Moreover, the area of this map was larger. Many areas outside the Terra Empire had been explored.

It showcased an entire continent, surrounded by a blue sea.