Battle Against Martial Techniques (1)

"Damn it, let me go. I'll teach her a lesson!"

Tang Liu hated it the most when others snatched his lines. He rolled up his sleeves and was about to rush forward.

Zhou Jing reacted quickly and quickly pulled him back. He shook his head and said, "Don't go up and send yourself to die. Listen to the instructors' arrangements."

"But she's too arrogant!" Tang Liu was indignant.

"Do you think you're not arrogant then…"

Zhou Jing complained in his heart.

He pressed Tang Liu back to his seat and looked up to meet Li Xiaoyin's eyes. He saw the eagerness within.

Zhou Jing pursed his lips.

He knew Li Xiaoyin too well. She had never been a well-behaved person. When she was young, in order not to be bullied, fighting was a common occurrence. There was a violent soul hidden in her petite body. Otherwise, Xu Lingyun would not have called her a female gorilla beast in the past.

Now that she could fight seriously, she was overjoyed.