Bill, When Can You Die? (2)

"However, the biggest problem now is that I've used both my Apostle slots. I can't create a new apostle…"

Zhou Jing looked at the information on the interface and felt a headache coming on.

The upper limit of the Apostle slot was Eternal Apostle +1. Thus, he could only have two Apostle slots now.

As for these two slots, they were occupied by Jason and Bill respectively. They were both thrown into the Mutant World where the connection was severed to set up operations… Unless one of them died, there was no way to create a new Astral Apostle.

However, these two were really f*cking alive. They were still standing strong even now!

According to the introduction of the science course, after the connection between the astral realms was broken, the flow of time would change. It might become faster or slower.