Birth of the Demonic Priest (1)

The Spring Mountain River was a famous river in the south. It flowed through two provinces and was mainly located in the Jiangchun Province. It passed through many counties and prefectures, and there were countless fishermen who thrived off it. It was unknown how many people lived by the river.

The mist on its surface was vast, and the blue water rippled. The river was like an inverted mirror that reflected the blue sky for thousands of miles.

It was noon, on a deserted river bank.

The mud beach flooded into the river, and the water plants were abundant. Occasionally, there would be weeping willows decorating the shore, swaying slightly.

Suddenly, a faint light appeared on the shore, sweeping into the river, wet mud, and water plants. It quickly reformed and condensed into a human body.

It was a slightly plump man with a high nose bridge and deep eye sockets. It was Apostle #003, Bill.

Zhou Jing suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.