Infiltration and Changing Houses (2)

Xu Gui hurriedly blinked, indicating that he understood.

Seeing this, Zhou Jing let the other party fall to the ground. He went from strangling him to massaging his shoulders.

As he controlled Xu Gui, he pulled the few unconscious guards into the house. At the same time, he closed the door to prevent himself from being discovered by the patrolling bandits. He would stall for as long as he could.

Xu Gui was still in shock. He forced himself to calm down and took the initiative to ask, "Sir, who are you?"

Zhou Jing glanced at him, "Chen Feng."

Xu Gui was shocked, "You're the Death Beckoning Yama King who caused trouble at An Lin Prefecture?!"

He did not expect that Chen Feng, who he had mentioned during the day, would actually go up the mountain alone and capture him.

There were clearly eyes everywhere in the village. How did this person sneak in?