Assassin (2)

However, his main body was buried in his studies in the Supers Academy, and his days were uneventful. There was no need to convert anything for the time being. He was more inclined to accumulate Astral Points to upgrade his Astral Projector Rank and activate Accelerated Learning for his apostles, or to prepare for emergencies.

"I'm still only an ;'expert' now. When my strength continues to increase, I might really become an immortal."

Zhou Jing smiled and shook his head.

He took a few more glances before closing the interface and thinking about a question.

The Emperor would not stay in Ning Tian Prefecture forever, and since Zhou Jing was currently appearing to cling onto the royal power, he would have to go to the capital sooner or later. However, he had no foundation in the capital and no trusted aides to order around.