Sitting Back And Watching The Enemy Approach (1)

In the sky above Ning Tian Prefecture, Zhou Jing's clothes fluttered as he rode the wind, looking down at the chaotic scene in the city like an eagle.

"This person tried to assassinate the Emperor alone. I wonder if he has any accomplices to support him secretly…"

He muttered softly as he activated his Elemental Vision to survey the surroundings, but he did not discover anything.

This assassin seemed to be a pure martial artist. He did not know any spells, so to him, he was even harder to catch than Mei Zhanqing.

There were specializations in every field. Back then, Mei Shaoqing was full of evil aura. In the Elemental Vision, she was like a firefly in the night, vivid and outstanding.

As for an ordinary martial artist, his aura was no different from that of a mortal. There were no obvious characteristics, and there were no special traces that would appear in his Elemental Vision.