Night Rain; Submission (1)

The three-foot-long blade was cold when unsheathed, and the night rain in the martial world was suddenly filled with a biting killing intent.

The blade tore through the air, whistling shrilly. Screams came from the dilapidated temple, startling the horses outside the temple.

The flickering flames projected their figures onto the wall as those inside fought fiercely.

Among them, the figure holding the two swords was like a ghost, shuttling through the shadows. The blades cut open the necks one by one, and wherever they passed, people fell to the ground.

In the end, only two figures were left. The others had all fallen, and the temple was filled with blood that dyed the Buddha statue red.

"Who are you?"

Shen Sanqiu held his sword in his hand and stared at Duan Yunfeng in shock.

This person's skills were unpredictable. Even under his interference, he still quickly killed a team of soldiers.