Discord and Suspicion (2)

The two leaders were so frightened that their souls almost left their bodies. They quickly knelt down and stretched out their fingers to swear.

"We're not lying. Everything we say is true! We also have a famous case record in the Martial Inspectorate. Commander Lu, you can ask and find out from the Hongzhou Prefecture Magistrate if the two of us are really working for the Imperial Court!"

"How dare you spout nonsense? Tie them up and throw them in jail!"

Without any explanation, Lu Longchuan ordered angrily.

The guards immediately picked up the two sub leaders, covered their mouths, and dragged them out.

After the two of them were taken away, Lu Longchuan sat down again, his expression uncertain. He thought for a while before getting someone to call Military Advisor Sun Rong over.

Not long after, Sun Rong arrived.

Lu Longchuan did not hide anything and told him everything.