Massacre Of All (1)

"The milestone has been completed?"

Zhou Jing's heart skipped a beat.

[Massacre of All] was the same type as [World's Number One]. They were both milestones triggered a few years ago, and the former milestone needed to accumulate 10,000 kills to achieve it.

Because the conditions were harsh, Zhou Jing had never completed it specifically. He decided to let nature take its course.

In the past few years, he had fought dozens or hundreds of small battles. Every time he led the charge, he would reap a large number of enemy troops.

Even so, it took a few years to accumulate and approach the milestone requirement.

Tonight, he had brazenly attacked the camp and started a massacre, killing many enemies. Finally, he managed to clear the remaining kill count.

Zhou Jing still remembered that the reward for this milestone seemed to be even more generous than the reward for being the best in the world. He looked at the message curiously.