Recognition and Falling Out (1)

The soldiers advanced along the path and marched in silence.

Huang Ping led the route at the front with a solemn expression.

"Now, I've already dug out the Dingbo Mouth dike and caused a flood. The flood will soon sweep through the territory of Huyang. The longer it lasts, the wider the disaster. I've dug up the foundation of the bandits. This expedition seems to have been a defeat but is actually a victory… When I return to the Imperial Court, I wonder if I can obtain more rewards for my contribution."

He knew that this would attract criticism from the court, but as a general who led the troops, he only cared about how to win the war. He would do anything to achieve this.

In Huang Ping's opinion, being able to severely injure the enemy was better than exhausting a large amount of manpower and resources to return empty-handed. That would make the emperor even more dissatisfied.