Last Resort

Immortal realm, Vanadium Empire. Capital City, Melodia. Fortress of a deity.

Adriana The Merciless's Pov:

How many years have we fought now? My flawless empire and beautiful home, are currently on the verge of ruin at the hands of the Demons and Humans. We only wished to live in peace but those monsters gave in to their avarice.

The accursed demons and human's similar greed for conquest and domination caused them to join hands and initiate an all-out war upon my dragon-kind. The Vanadium Empire consisted of flourishing pure dragons each with enormous dao cultivations, so why is it that when I look out of my shattered stained window, which was once a polished clear diamond framed window, all I can conceive is a myriad of my descendants' corpses dead and bruised, their scales broken, wings torn and heads severed.

Will I, the guardian of the Emperor and the Vanadium Empire join my comrades in death? I was tired and weak, my mind racing with possibilities of occurrences outside the capital.

'I have defended the capital for quite a while now... Have all the other dragons perished? Do I truly have nothing left to lose?'

Stepping down the spiralling stairwell to my personal throne room a sudden marching could be heard outside the palace sending chills down my spine but I did not mind it as I took a seat on my enormous throne spanning 30 meters wide and 50 meters high. Dragons could grow to mountainous sizes although many of us could morph our bodies into smaller, manageable humanoid sizes fitting with other species some of us did not as we kept our pride as dragons very strictly. I normally used my humanoid form which still had the features of a dragon, this time I decided not to maintain my true size atop my golden ruby throne awaiting my assailants.

I would maintain my dignity as a dragon until the end. My brethren dead, my descendants dead and my dear emperor dead. I shall not keep up this charade of defence any longer and let out my rage in a last-ditch attempt, multiple guardians of the Humans and demons would attack, maybe I could take out one or two before falling myself. If only the other dragon guardians were here.

My vast and boundless fortress was so empty and cold, that only the sounds of explosions could be heard surrounding it.

'Hah... Attempting to lure me out... I don't think so.'

Taking an ample breath creating gales into my snout and lungs I let out a roar that's vibration reached the corners of the Empire. This told the other dragons, if there were any, to run for and that I would attempt to distract the Humans and demons in my final moments.


The front entrance of my palace doors shattered being blasted down, multiple figures leisurely sauntered through the enveloping dust.

"Adriana The Merciless, long time no see! How sad must it be to lose everything you love. I must give my most humble apologies."

A scaley creature declared, two thick white horns protruding from his head with defined features leading the limitless rows of immortals humans and demons alike. A tall young man of similar height with short scarlet hair could be seen standing behind him with a cheeky grin.

'Only two of them, but why did it have to be him in particular? Solomon, a ninth-star demonic general of the Demons along with Michael, an up-and-coming hero of the Sutra Empire (Immortal human race). Both are lesser to me in terms of cultivation but together they may have a chance. Therefore, It will take everything I have to defeat them, I just need one of them to let down their guards.'

Beginning to have second thoughts about the confrontation, I glared down at both Michael and Solomon, their malicious smirks and slightly burnt red-stained clothes together with their bloody hands.

"What's wrong? Did a demon steal your tongue?"

Cackled Solomon joined by his side of demon troops behind him.

I looked over to Michael, he seemed fairly young and likely inexperienced.

"Michael! It would be wise not to converse with the demons as their tricks and deals are not what they seem. I would know. You may believe that they will share their rewards and you will continue as allies, but they will murder you before you have time to report back to your leader taking the treasure and land for themselves."

Michael's smile immediately converted into an indifferent face as a result of my warning. I wasn't lying, the demons truthfully could not be trusted, but neither could the humans. They were all the same, greedy pigs.

"What, Impossible! That would simply cause another war, why would they partake in two wars at once one after another?"

'Good. Michael genuinely looks confused, if I can start a small internal conflict then strike. It'd be my win!'

I quickly got off my throne causing a massive thump on the ground since my huge size was so hard to control. I continued.

"Once upon a time, us dragons assisted the Demons in their battles. Look where we are now..."

Michael took a step back in realization and shock.

Everything was going as planned, yet too well... Solomon wasn't saying a thing and merely stood next to him with an apathetic expression continuing to stare at me. Michael on the other hand was confused, face scrunched up glaring daggers at Solomon.

"What does she mean Solomon!?"

'Nows my chance!'

Finding this as a good opportunity to strike, I flew forward dashing so fast the palace wall crumbled down as my long royale purple wings smashed through them. In a blink of an eye, I appeared in front of both Solomon and Michael and fired the largest flame I could muster yet in that instance I noticed both of them instantaneously smiling.

Even though I knew something had gone terribly wrong I kept the blue flame going.

All of a sudden, I sensed a presence behind me and three in front.



Crying in a booming roar, my wings had been cut and my heart had been pierced.

Coming to my senses, I heard audible chuckles coming from multiple directions. The smoke of my flame slowly cleared and to my horror, the shield of the Demon Empire, Fartun, had protected both Michael and Solomon. Michael's silver sword had been extended and reached inside my chest to my heart. I was not even able to see the coward that destroyed my wings from behind as Michael slowly leaned in and whispered.

"Funny, both you and that oldy the dragon emperor attempted the exact same move,"

Michael peered closer to my scaley violet ear.

"Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the last attack in killing off that bastard. The credit goes all to Solomon."

It was the final straw, I couldn't take it anymore. I was gullible and foolish, it was seldom that a dragon felt fear in the past but now it must have occurred daily. Most of my fellow dragons must have died by now or escaped, it is better to take a stand in my final moments, only, I wonder if Dragon Emperor Diaval will ever forgive me.

It doesn't matter, as long as self-destructing takes all these bastards out with me, I will gladly do it.

A glowing light protruded from inside my body emitting a bright orange glow through my amethyst skin and scales. A crackling sound was audible from my bones and organs slowly bursting and my eyes slowly turned blood-red The pain was indescribable but it would all be worth it.

All at once, Solomon, Michael, Fartun and the unknown figure's faces could be seen growing paler.

"What the hell are you doing bastard?!"

Solomon howled out at the top of his lungs, trembling at the revelation.

"You will kill all the other dragons in the area! We left many alive! To torture... So stop this!"

Even if that were true, I wouldn't be able to stop it now, I wasn't called Adriana the merciless for nothing.

Not wasting any time, all of them quickly dashed away in alarm and dismay. Solomon left followed by Michael, and the other two left in the opposite direction.

'It does not matter, you cannot escape your fate cretins!'

I began to lightly snicker to myself, how only a few years ago, this empire was prospering and now it was all rubble. The ceiling of the palace's throne room had collapsed to the ground mere remains being chunks of carved stone and lustrous steel which gave a clear view of the sky. Looking up the dark sky was covered by creamy thick black clouds.



Rain began to pour down on the tragic end of the once-prosperous dragon race.


Steam blew out of my mouth as the sigh relieved some of the pain from my burning organs, I braced myself for self-destruction. This should take them all out, any second now.


Noticing a deep glow of wine red emanating from my chest, I looked down. The red gemstone, Dragon Emperor shone revealing a gorgeous cherry red. Not knowing what it meant, it was still a beautiful sight, poetic for my last moments if I do say so myself.

My body's temperature began to rise, my purple skin now completely covered in orange as if a bomb was prepared to blow from inside me. Alas, I squeezed my now crimson eyes and finally stated my last few words.

"May the heaven collapse for his majesty"


The explosion was calamitous resounding throughout all three realms leaving nothing behind, those unfortunate enough to meet its wave of destruction were demolished in an instant, immortal or not.

'Uh. Am I dead?'

Opening my eyes, what appeared to be my spirit hovered in the air as I looked down to my body which had erupted in an enormous explosion. Was this death? I had lived for thousands of years and seen many die, many perish and many disintegrate yet death was still a mystery to me.

Suddenly, the ruby gem on my chest gifted to me by the emperor shattered.

'No! Haaah, damn...'

Sighing for the hundredth time I Looked down at my new spirit body, I was still a dragon but in a semi-transparent form, and my body began to move automatically taking me to an unknown location at impressive speeds. I could move far faster than my previous body but this speed wasn't anything to scoff at as it left the capital in a few seconds.

My spirit was out of my control and what was worse was that I didn't even know where I was heading.


Mortal Realm, Village.

"So! You desire to become my disciple?"

Nicholas analysed the young girl thoroughly, checking her dantian multiple times. He had truly struck gold this time, her dantian contained so much potential that it was leaking. Once she began cultivating, Nicholas could only imagine how much ruckus she would cause in the sect. He was already going through multiple nicknames they would give her. 'Hidden Angel', 'Bright Fairy', there were so many possibilities. Many disciples will fall for her charms that's for sure.


The little girl's sapphire blue eyes and jumbled fair hair jumped following her nods. Her peach cheeks and small six-year-old stature tore Nicholas's heart apart with their cuteness.

"Good! Then I trust that you understand you would have to follow me into the immortal world?"

Lifting an eyebrow, Nicholas's interrogating expression cause the girl to panic. She closed her eyes and reaffirmed her determination tugging her arms close and making fists in front of herself, proclaimed.

"Of course! I understand that It is my responsibility as someone blessed with a dantian to reach my full potential! Thank you for gracing me with such a heaven-sent opportunity! I promise not to frugally waste it!"

Nicholas was left flabbergasted, did this six-year-old just speak with the fluency and eloquence of a full-grown adult? Slightly cringing then bursting into a gale of laughter he realized she was probably told to say those lines by her guardians.

"Hahaha! Nice Nice, the immortals back at the sect would love to see your serious infant face filled with such vigour."

Furiously blushing, the young girl's head plopped to the ground and she began to twindle her fingers steam seemingly flowing out of her ears.

"Oh come on now, I was joking!"

Noticing her immense embarrassment, Nicholas attempted to swiftly cheer her up to which she quickly nodded wanting to move on from the topic. Seeing this, Nicholas did as she wished.

"So... What's your name anyway oh so precious disciple?"

"Her name's Ally."

A tall burly man limped into the makeshift tent. His hoarse voice seemed to be like nails on a chalkboard, he was bald with endless wrinkles across his forehead, and pitch-black eyebags and wore a dirty buttoned-up shirt with a worn-out leather jacket.

"You're the man from before."

Nicholas recognised this man as the one who had cursed him out after attempting to persuade Ally's mother for her to join him.

"Mhm. Indeed I am."

"You're quite impudent aren't you."


The burly man spoke in short and crippled sentences, It was clear he had lived a hard life.

"What is Ally's relationship with you? You seem to be quite protective of her. Are you her father? Or her older broth- No you're far too old. What is she to yo-"

Cutting him off the burly man spat on the dirt floor and then stamped on it with his wooden leg built for a pirate.

"Watch yer mouth boy! We ain't pals!"

The man nibbled on his lower lip cursing his patheticness while pointing his distorted finger at Nicholas closing one eye while holding back his rage. If he wasn't the reason Ally was leaving this crummy place, he would have thrown his life away and futilely tackled the immortal.

"Boy? I could have bought the wine your twelfth great-grandfather used to make at his wine shop and then get back in time to your 11th great-grandmother's bed."

Nicholas's witty remark hadn't hit the man's funny bone as his eyebrows tightly knitted as a result.

"Ptooey! I've seen your kind before! Immortals."

"Yeah about that, why waste your time avidly hating immortals? Especially those that saved your life?"

"Well... It was 5 years ago, my brother and I had gone hunting, searching for a snow rabbit or stray deer to eat and bring back to our family as it was this time around the seasons when winter was approaching."

Nicholas remained silent, staring back with an open and warm aura as the man continued. The candles placed upon the chairs flickered following the story as it was told.

"Then an immortal flew by sporting a similar outfit as you, they flew with a pace that ripped trees straight out from their roots with no care in the world about what they were doing. He flew so fast that he sent gusts of wind our way even though we were a good 15km away. What followed were boulders and speeding pebbles."

The man had slowly begun tearing up and leant his arm against the wall horizontally.

"What colour was the robe?"

"I don't know... But what I do know is that they were the reason that I lost my dear brother, I lost my leg and Ally lost her goddamn father. Thanks to you."

"You mean Immortals."

Nicholas wasn't surprised by the story, this like that occurred very commonly throughout both the Mortal and Immortal realms. Stronger Immortals flying by, tearing other Immortals to shreds. He looked over. The man was tearing up and slowly slid down the tent wall almost pulling it out of its pegs pinned to the ground. Looking at Ally and back to the man, Nicholas hinted at her to comfort him to which she similarly balled her eyes out and waddled over to her uncle while wrapping her arms around him only reaching a sixth of the way around his beefy stomach.

The man, in his fit, had forgotten Ally's presence in the room and begun to regret his burst of rage, but, her hug had seemed to slightly lift a horrible burden off his chest. Although he did not know what implication her knowing the cause of her father's death would lead to, at this moment, he could not care.

They spent the remainder of their time crying together as a storm began to brew outside.