The Pride Sect (1)


"Any more questions before we leave?"

Smacking his sharp jade hands together in a quick puff, Nicholas turned his back to Ally, his silk bleach robe swaying behind him brushing Ally's plum peach cheeks.


Nodding her head in a big burst, Nicholas turned back again to face her in surprise, having not expected her to still have more questions after the two-hour-long lecture he had given.

"What then?"

"Master, aren't you forgetting Deno?"

His eyes spread out in disbelief as he had almost forgotten his future cure. A wave of embarrassment rushed over Nicholas as his wits sprung into action.

"Of course not fool! I was waiting for you to get him."


Not buying his act, Ally began to giggle to herself while skipping around the fire over to her junior brother. It was still dark and her adorable junior brother's eyes were naturally shut.

Letting him rest, Ally gently snuck her pale arms underneath the wet blanket covered in sweat that Deno was securely wrapped in. She slowly lifted him up while holding her breath and brought him close to her chest and tightly held him.

"Get on now, hurry."

Seeing her take her time Nicholas gradually grew frustrated. He could easily meditate for many months without a break yet this was simply wasting his time.

Ally quickly waddled over to Nicholas keeping herself at the same height to not bob up and down disturbing Deno.


Hopping onto Nicholas's back, the trio finally started hovering into the air and took off into the glistening blue ball sitting in the starry sky.

Flying slowly through the air, Nicholas had been forced by Ally to gradually increase their speed inch by inch so as to not bother her new sweet and pure junior brother, Deno for he was napping.


At the same time, In an underground Experimental Research Facility that had been blown to smithereens by a certain 'sweet' and 'pure' boy.

An elderly man steadily rose from the cracked and demolished rubble, his surgeon scrubs tattered and ripped hanging for dear life on the verge of slipping off his well-built body.

The man's hair was slinking down in front of him suiting his overall mood.

The entire cellar had collapsed upon itself, all the rocks and bricks laid above it as a once stable ceiling had caved in massacring the weaker doctors, yet even many of the ones with dantians that were in close proximity to the room had perished in the explosion.

Something so terrifying had been created by that...That... Even the man did not know what could've caused this. The miracle had turned out to be a catastrophe.

A myriad of thoughts rushing in and out of his head ceased as Hallow's face turned ghostly white as he was reminded of his most important assets, the infants in the neonatal pod chamber.

Stumbling back sweat trickled down his face as he rushed past the dead bodies and detached limbs from the corpses crushed by the debris.

Never had Hallow felt so much fear and resentment towards someone. He would find him, he had to.

What the higher-ups would do to him, Dr Hallow did not know but as long as the infants and the neonatal pod chamber were safe, his contributions thus far could protect his life.

Not having a family or any close relations with anyone really, Hallow's only priorities were his research first then his own life second.


Taking a deep sigh of relief, Hallow dropped backwards onto his butt. The neonatal pod chamber wasn't harmed, in fact, it was untouched.

The reason behind this being the least of his worries, Hallow tucked it to the back of his mind and began to recuperate the other surviving surgeons together.

Hallow clenched his teeth grinding them as he began to walk through the dismembered hallway from the neonatal pod chamber, a gut-wrenching aura emerging from him suddenly making the doctors that had survived pass out.

He clenched his fist so hard that blood oozed out of his grip.

If the boy wasn't dead, Hallow would get his revenge. One day but for now, he had to prioritise the clean-up of his own failure to prevent himself from losing his own life.

He had achieved the dantian transplant once, why wouldn't he be able to do it again?


Nicholas flew through the air, his disciples both tucked closely behind his back. He could tell that of both children, one was awake and the other was asleep.

How could he tell? Because one of them was snoring with a passion and the other one's breathing was quiet, kept to themselves, at a calculated pace.

The one asleep is Ally and the one awake is Deno. He chuckled whenever he thought this since he was talking about an infant being calculative and shrewd.

Nicholas had naturally come to the conclusion that the curse was beginning to affect his strength as well as his mental state.

But fortunately, Deno's healing abilities had given him hope. If somehow Deno could learn to use his regenerative skill, he might be able to lift his curse somehow.


It was a long shot, in fact, it was on the brink of delusional but Nicholas had gone to countless doctors in the immortal world in secret and even the best didn't know how to cure him.

If the sect found out that Nicholas was cursed, one of the sect's greatest prodigies could cause a detrimental blow to the sect and his father, the Pride Sect leader.

The only reason he had ventured to the mortal realm was for the slightest possibility of stumbling across a heaven-sent opportunity and in some ways he had found them.

Nicholas would mould Ally to be used as a pillar for the sect with her enormous potential replacing himself, and Deno to possibly lift his curse.

Unfortunately, Deno's Dantian is special but not in a good way.

Deno would be lucky to make it to a 3rd stage cultivation let alone easily reach master-stage like Ally.

In the end, things were finally beginning to look good for Nicholas, he only hoped it would continue doing so.

Pushing Ally higher onto his back he carefully slipped Deno out of her hands into his own and looked at the wonderous baby that kept its eyes shut seemingly contemplating.

'I wonder what you're thinking little Deno?'


Within Deno's Consciousness.

"Please teach me! Please Adriana we're in this together remember?"

"No! You're dreaming if you'd think I'd teach you the Imperial Dragon Cultivation Technique!"

Adriana and Alexander had been bickering for numerous hours regarding the cultivation technique. It all started when Adriana explained the fundamentals behind cultivating and explained to Alexander that the cultivation technique is if not the most important part of the speed of cultivation.

Mentioning that he'd most likely be taught the cultivation technique by his sect that he was being taken to; if it was a greater sect he could be taught a slightly worth mentioning cultivation technique even though it was given to all their disciples; although, any sect lower in status was practically worthless in comparison to her technique.

This had been her biggest mistake as Alexander relentlessly barraged her with pleads for her to teach him the technique.

Despite clearly stating that it was a sacred ancient technique that was passed down to the guardians and the dragon emperor, Alexander never budged an inch on his pursuit.

Having finally had enough, Adriana furiously roared slightly shaking their entire body.

"Fine boy! I will give it to you, as long as you promise to assist me with my revenge upon the human and demon leaders of the Immortal Realm."

"Deal! I don't care much for this place's humans let alone demons, in fact, I hate the humans just as much as you do."

Seeing that he had agreed and that he wasn't lying, Adriana internally sighed realising why he was called the unyielding fist back in his reality.

"Then we shall establish a soul bond..."

Checking over to Alexander she realised that she had completely lost him, nodding in understanding she simply restated.

"A contract if you will."

"Ah. Gotcha!"

At last, grasping what she had meant, Alexander came to the same consensus and concurred.

After a brief moment of awkward silence, Alexander mumbled under his breath in impatience.

"What's taking so long?"

"Patience. I'm almost done."

It was an extremely complicated technique and with her sudden drop in cultivation after pushing herself time and time again, it took her a while to activate it.

All of a sudden a bright glow was formed within both souls of Alexander and Adriana, causing alexander to jump in surprise.

"Follow along now."

Adriana nudged Alexander insinuating him to repeat her words.

"In the name of the Supreme Dao, I Adriana will fully teach Alexander the Imperial Dragon Cultivating Technique."

Adriana said at the same time as Alexander, both souls facing each other in unison stating a similar line of dialogue.

"In the name of the Supreme Dao, I Alexander will assist Adriana in defeating the multiple leaders of the Demon and Human Empires."

Alexander repeated, slightly more hesitantly, stating it simultaneously to Adriana's own.

Both dragon and human formed a soul brand on each of their souls. Adriana had said the words in her consciousness before starting to make sure that Alexander knew what to say.

This soul bond/contract could kill them if they fail to complete their half and is something extremely difficult to be learned.

"Alright then Adriana! Shall we get started?"

Alexander shrieked like a little girl unable to hold back his excitement at becoming a true immortal.

"Hoho, it's not that simple. First, we must wait for your body's impurities to be cleansed by your sect. Then we can begin. You could not begin to imagine the consequence of not waiting, especially for a human with your flimsy and weak flesh; trying out the Imperial dragon technique would not only shatter every bone in your body but tear every muscle and tissue as well."

All of Alexander's enthusiasm deflated instantly, internally dropping his head down he prepared himself to begin sulking yet he could wait. As long as he could Adriana was here, he had his personal Wikipedia and with his mountainous determination, who would dare stand in his way!

It was finally his opportunity.

Hardening his determination, he decided to use every opportunity in this fantasy world to increase his power.

Having seen Adriana's once immense strength through her memories, he couldn't wait to lay his hands on that type of power.

Alexander could practically feel himself walking on a staircase, every action making him take another step higher. One where by the time he reaches the top. He will hold the entire world in his two hands.

He had reached the top of one world, why couldn't he another this time, this time nothing can and will stop him.


"Wake up Ally. We have arrived..."

Abruptly dropping the drowsy Ally onto the snow, she shot out unstoppable shivering with goosebumps protruding from her pale skin.

"Brrr. I-I-I-t-t-s S-s-so c-c-cold here."

Ally said raising her voice, her jaw was quivering as the unpleasant environment would barely allow her to speak fluidly let alone speak at all.

Ally looked around herself, they had arrived on top of a frosty mountain covered in snow.

Snapping her head back to Nicholas she wailed realising her junior brother had gone missing. Thinking the worse, she deduced that she had dropped him when she fell asleep on the flight.

Ally's heart dropped and her knees felt loose as she began to tremble.

"Hahaha, are you thinking of Deno? Even though you're practically frozen by the chilling cold, your mind drifts to others' safety, how precious."

His words had entered one ear and out the other, as she continued to tremble; her lip once quivering in cold was now quivering in fear while tears emerged from her eyes.

Realising that she hadn't understood what he was implying, Nicholas stumbled to relieve her fearing that she would cry.

"He's fine!"


"I said he's fine, I slipped him out of your grip whilst you were sleeping so why don't you calm down?"

Pointing towards where he had laid Deno, a large boulder stuck to the ground now covered in multiple blankets.

Ally took a breath of relief sniffling, attempting to recompose herself all her previous terror and dismay slowly disappearing.



As the trio stood on the snowy mountain, covered in mist and thin air, Nicholas didn't waste any more time and drew with a chalky stick, symbols on a face of a tall thin rock facing the sky.

Suddenly, multiple runes and symbols that were hidden prior appeared surrounding the boulder creating an ocean-blue portal that rapidly radiated its Saphire particles.

At the same time, Deno and Ally's eyes both sparkled mimicking the portal's texture. Both remarking to themselves on the beauty and mysteriousness of the realm portal.

"After you."

Stepping to the side, Nicholas crossed his arm across his chest curtsying to make way for Ally.

Ally held her breath, shut her eyes and clenched her fists.

She threw herself forward and sprinted blindly into the portal.

The next moment she opened her eyes she felt as though she lost her breath even though she continued to keep it in.

Meanwhile, Nicholas holding Deno with one arm came into view through the portal.

Deno had never seen anything like it.

Teleportation made possible, what did this world have that he hadn't wished for?

Similarly to Ally, Deno turned his head towards to most majestic alluring place he had ever seen. He felt like a tourist arriving in a brand new country exposed to all its different and marvellous cultures.

'So this is what the Pride Sect looks like.'

Adriana said within Deno's consciousness

He reminisced about the time he had arrived in Japan, and how similar it was to this. The plum blossom trees spread around the area while short rivers and fountains with fish swimming in them followed the multiple paths with disciples in similar robes walking up and down them, their spiralling colours were almost hypnotic.

Noticing that the man that was holding him now wore a mask Deno didn't mind as long as it didn't affect him.

A smile began to seep around his face.

He had arrived at a sect, the first step on his voyage of absolute power.

He shall rise to the top of the sect, then multiple sects, then the empire, and finally the entire Immortal Realm.

They shall all fear him and respect him, as he is the unyielding fist.

And it will all start here.

His smirk had finally been completed.

The pride Sect.