Imperial Dragon Cultivation Technique

The crowd was speechless, boys and girls all around the same age stared at each other in disbelief at the result of the bout. Their mouths gaping wide as if they were fish suffocating outside water.

'What just happened?'

'It was over in an instant...'

This random boy that had never been seen before and had seemingly just begun his cultivation journey had seamlessly taken down the tyrant of the starting disciples on his own after exchanging blows.

Each and every one of them was amazed, their hearts beating like drums but even if they were all pumped with adrenaline, none of them dared to cheer as Link hadn't been knocked out yet.

If he were to hear and recognized a single one of their voices, he would never forget and would probably make sure they never forgot either.

Still, this didn't halt them from discussing it amongst themselves.

Amid the disciples, a short boy in the corner of the cafeteria dashed out through the doors in hysteria. Link was his cousin and was naturally more skilled at fighting than him, if he had lost how in the Immortal plane could he win?

Unless he was given the power of the Supreme Dao he would probably be defeated just as easily and frankly, he wasn't in the mood of having his peaches destroyed.

The only thing left to do was to get a senior brother or sister to aid them and give this kid a proper punishment. He had to act now before the boy ran away so he could be caught in the act and not deny anything, it didn't matter either way though because he was sure that a confession wasn't necessary and could simply be beaten out of him.


Link hunched down on the ground, a pool of sweat quickly gathered beneath him as his tears soared down his face.

He held on to his tiny nuts in a panic scrambling to make sure they hadn't been seriously injured, how dare this bastard, nuisance, nobody, dare to threaten his precious balls that would lead the immortal realm one day. How dare he make him look like a comical character, he would get his revenge, make sure this boy regretted even living and once he's in a deplorable state, he would end his miserable pathetic life.

But for now, he would have to recover his peerless 5th stage cultivation strength. His loss of face in front of all the starting disciples would come second.


Ryan felt a fat heap of lump fall onto him crushing him under its weight, his soaked in sweat midnight blue hair that covered his purple swollen eyes stuck to his forehead not allowing him to see.

Strands of hair seeped into his eyes as he felt the squishiness of the kid's body bounce off his leg like a rubber ball.

He couldn't even enjoy his enemy's suffering as his entire body ached: his neck felt like it was torn off, bones felt as though they had been shattered along with cuts and bruises around his face.

He couldn't even shed a tear at the pain. This was a common occurrence ever since he arrived here in this so-called 'legendary pride sect'. He had been chosen as a candidate for daily torture at the hands of a larger kid with too much influence for his own good.

Ryan would always speak out and speak to older disciples but none of them would help him, most people didn't care and everybody else was afraid of the consequences.

Ryan Merlani was the son of a tiny sect leader up the North of the Sutra (human) Empire. His father had set up the Stolz Sect using his meagre offerings and contributions to the Empire.

His father had waited years and eventually, the Emperor permitted him to establish his own sect. Still, before they had even reached a total of 12 disciples, their entire sect had been burned to the ground, ravaged by hooded Immortals like vultures.

Ryan dreamt of them every night, he didn't even know what they wanted or why they did it but his thirst for revenge was enough to tolerate daily harassment and bullying.

All this tolerance was him simply biding his time, waiting to increase his power and get revenge on his family being slaughtered.

He had been at this sect for only a few months, he had only recently gotten his impurities removed and begun his cultivation journey and the entire time, each and every day he had to spend healing wounds caused by other disciples.

One day he would stupid sect by storm all because of one trump card his father had left him as their sect was burnt to the ground. A valuable Elixer for cultivation that had been meant for the sect's treasury.

This elixir was the reason their sect could even be established as every sect must have a treasury of some kind filled with valuable equipment, herbs and elixirs and this was theirs. Why did he not think the Immortals attacked because of the elixir, because this was a secret between only his father and him.

On his first day of getting impurities removed he began to cultivate like a madman, sleepless nights, never exiting his room only to get food and not arouse suspicion from the other starting disciples.

He would simply get his daily torment and head back to 'heal his wounds' and he had reached the 5th stage cultivator but, each and every time he would get beat, the next would feel less painful.

Each cultivation stage has a low-rank, mid-rank and high-rank. Gathering more and more dao into your dantian from cultivating would gradually increase your rank and eventually increase your stage.

He would endure and cultivate. Even though he had good talent, he would eventually be recognised as a prodigy by others.

All he had to do now was to reach the 5th rank cultivator's mid ranks and he would be equal in power to Link and if equal wasn't enough, he was sure he would beat Link in a dog fight.

His plan had slowly been coming to fruition until Deno appeared. This random new kid had interrupted his beating, when Ryan first saw him he knew that this kid was doomed, heroics don't work in this world as it's every man for themselves.

He was a year younger than him and didn't have a cultivation base so Ryan realised it wouldn't be long before he was turned into a punching bag as well, but to his shock when he felt the one to drop to the ground was Link.

Had someone without a cultivation base really made someone of a higher one look like cannon fodder? How is that possible, could he have done it too?

All those nights Ryan had spent in the pitch black room contemplating about his revenge, how he would defeat Link and what he would do after but all of a sudden, what had once seemed like an enormous feat was done by this boy without a sweat.

Ryan wiggled his head to move his hair sweaty ocean blue hair for a better view but it simply continued to stick to his head. Though this wouldn't make him give up, he had to see this hero with his own eyes before he passes out.


'What have you done Alexander!'

Adriana scolded Deno as if she were his mother. She had witnessed the entire thing and was dumbfounded at how he could do such a thing to a child.

'It ain't my fault. Why would I be proud of crippling a fat toddler???'


'And besides, look at the kid he was pummeling, he's on the brink of death if you ask me he deserved it, maybe I should give him a good ol' spanking too'

Deno internally crossed his arms in defiance to Adrianas complaining. Unexpectedly Adriana had seemed to see his point of view and not disagree with him for once agreeing with him instead.

Adriana knew he was right, she too had watched the one-sided fight between the two human boys and it was clear that the bigger one had no intention to stop the one-sided beating. Either way, he could have settled it with a slap to the chubby cheek and not an instant k.o.

'Fine but considering how nobody stepped in to help or stop the fight this child must have some sort of influence, be prepared for the consequences.'

Alexander scoffed, like hell he would. What type of influence would this weak kid possess, no way his luck would be so shitty to have him fight someone with this much power at day one making his life infinitely harder.

Deno began to sweat, but what if it did, what if he had made an enormous mistake and had messed with someone he shouldn't have, like in his last life?

'Ahh whatever, They can try whatever they want, I don't even think I can die so how bad could it actually be?'

Suddenly a small spark began to glow from Link's trembling figure in an orb shape catching Deno and Adriana's attention. Deno gazed on with confusion, this was a fantasy world, the kid might have a trick up the sleeve that could counter him.

Understanding the possibility Deno quickly leapt back away from him, his tiny body was extremely fit and had been pushed to the extreme by Deno multiple times during his 4 years at Martin's.

'Adriana! Is that an attack?!'

Deno asked in desperation not knowing how to prepare for the possible attack that was channelling itself within the crouched Link.

Adriana internally shook her head. Deno noticed a tinge of pride as she spoke.

'No, this is the Imperial Dragon Cultivation Technique at work'

All of a sudden, an invisible rush of energy began to engulf Deno sending a slight tremor around his body.


The crowd of starting disciples watched on as their amazement still hadn't dissipated, seeing Deno suddenly jump back their curiosity grew.

"What the... Why is he retreating?"

One disciple asked in confusion as he squinted his eyes, he was sure that the fight was over as fast as it had begun so he couldn't comprehend why the unknown kid had leapt back.

Another disciple sitting across the table from him smirked.

"Isn't it obvious? That's obviously because he knows Link hasn't lost yet."

Nodding his head in confidence at his remark, the multiple disciples that had overheard the comment all turned their heads with faces full of disagreement. One of the disciples adjacent to them scoffed.

"What are you talking about, it's obviously because-"

Before the disciple could finish his sentence the doors of the cafeteria were smashed open allowing light to seep in revealing a tall older figure dressed in a fancy robe different compared to the others.

All the starting disciples with their light blue robes snapped their necks in shock at the figure of a young man, he was standing at the end of the cafeteria wearing an indigo blue robe. His hair was tied back in a long sharp ponytail blazing like a lion facing its prey and his eyes had a flame of anger within them, a flame of revenge.

The disciple that had run away had returned. He was a head shorter than the young man but nonetheless, he puffed his chest up with confidence and pointed at Deno in the middle of the cafeteria.

"It's him, senior brother, Tun! That's the boy that attacked Link!"

"Oh? How could Link possibly lose to him?"

The boy looked up at his senior brother's disappointed expression and immediately understood why that was, hoping to clear up the confusion, he quickly added.

"I know he doesn't have a cultivation base but he used a dirty trick to beat-"

"What do you mean he doesn't have a cultivation base? He's a low-ranked 5th stage cultivator."

Tun interrupted with annoyance, he wasn't sure how they couldn't even tell that the boy that defeated Link had a cultivation base but he pushed it to the back of his mind, he had wasted enough time. Link was someone that had some influence within the sect with his father and if he could assist in saving his face then he would surely be rewarded with great things.

The boy's eyes widened in shock, had he seen wrong, how could he have gotten his cultivation base wrong? Disregarding his embarrassment, he could even see that everyone in the cafeteria was in confusion at how he had been a 5th rank cultivator.

But slowly it made sense, how could someone with no cultivation defeat someone with one? It simply didn't make sense.

One disciple looked back at his friend questioning him.

"You saw right?"

"Yeah! I swear he had no cultivation base?"

"Was he hiding it?"

The disciples of the cafeteria all began discussing how they had missed Deno's cultivation but Ryan was different.

His sweaty blue hair curled upwards at his attempt to move them and allowed him to see Deno's cultivation increase rapidly live.

He was close enough to see his face and body tense up as if he was ascending and just starting his cultivation journey.

His face looked as if he was fighting through all of the pain and all of a sudden he was a 5th stage cultivator at the low stage.