Another One

But to Tun's shock, Deno was now the one on the offensive. Deno, even with his small frame and baby arms had a speed that was invisible to the eye of the starting disciples that watched on whilst Tun, who was a head taller, with a longer reach, larger frame and every advantage that would be thought to overwhelm Deno could still barely keep up.

Finding time in the barrage of attacks to check on his opponent's status, Tun noticed that Deno had kept his composure the entire fight. He had a relaxed expression as if he were listening to some sort of lyricless music.

Tun's brows knit as his frown deepened, how was he allowing this to happen? Besides the fact he looked like he was losing, this was all happening in front of all the starting disciples, he knew that even if he won it wouldn't save his loss of face.

Tun made sure to accurately parry all Deno's attacks with swiftness because although he could easily tank Deno's attacks, barely leaving a scratch on him, if even one of Deno's hits landed, surely all his junior brothers and sisters would think nothing of him.

Tun racked his brain for an idea about how to gain the upper hand and he was left with one option, mental games.

"Not bad junior brother Deno. I hadn't realised how impressive you were."

Tun said eagerly awaiting Deno's cocky response to exploit.

Deno had caught his sly grin when he had stated that and realised what he was up to sending him into his own little smile.

"Don't call me junior brother."

Ignoring his abrupt response Tun quickly started.

"You understand how much influence Link holds yes? Even if you get out of this alive, you're a deadman or at least you'll wish you were dead."

As Tun was speaking Deno sent a fake punch out and slid to the left, Tun noticed that he had left his entire back exposed and quickly went in to block hunching down and protecting his liver.

Slightly startled Tun took a sigh of relief at the block working but it was short as Deno followed through with his elbow smashing it into the back of Tun's head.

Tun's vision went blurry and he went pale, he stumbled back as if he were drunk and abruptly fell to his knees. His head began to burn up as he crouched down similarly to Link had before while cupping the back of his head.

This was it, he was on the brink of insanity. How the hell could he lose to a 5-year-old kid, he was double his age and had lost.

No way was he a mere stepping stone to Deno's future glory.

Tun gnashed his teeth as the sound of it grinding together could be heard throughout the silence of the cafeteria.

All the disciples were mute for the hundredth time today as if they had cut off their tongues. None dared to speak, whisper or even blink at the spectacle. It was clear that the sect had been blessed with another genius. This Deno disciple was a prodigy among prodigies as only the gifted could defeat one far stronger than themselves and Deno had proved himself worthy of such a title much to the dismay of Tun and Link.

If they didn't kill Deno today, then they might never get the chance to again as an elder may set their eyes upon him, and train him. They themselves curious to see him reach his full potential.

Deno relaxed his tense body, the small muscles that he had formed over the years were on the brink of collapse, if he hadn't ended it there then he may have lost the battle of duration as he would have definitely slowed down. Deno took deep breaths that flooded his lungs with air as he panted, multiple beads of sweat made it down his pale cheek.

Deno cautiously closed the distance between him and Tun as he slowly made his way closer.

He looked at the helpless boy on the ground and before he could react, Deno heard whispers resounding from the void of his consciousness.

A voice far too familiar.

'Kill him, Alexander. Do it. Finish it.'

Deno shut his eyes and grabbed his head as his thoughts stirred around.

'What was that? Did you say something, Adriana?'

'No... I didn't say anything Alexander.'

Confused at why Deno would ask her such a question Adriana decided to search through his recent memories.

To her horror, she heard the ugly and terrifying thoughts being sent out by Den- no, it couldn't have been Deno. The voice was similar but not the same but in the end, she decided to keep it to herself. Now was not the time to be contemplating as they had both just barely made it out of being crippled for the rest of their lives.

Deno opened his tightly shut eyes as they became adjusted to the bright environment once more and shook his head. Why were the thoughts coming back now of all times?

Suddenly a shout came out from behind him, causing him to quickly look over.

"If you take one more step then I won't hesitate to finish off Ryan!"

Snapping Deno out of his thoughts was Link wearing a devilish smile while holding Ryan by his curly midnight blue hair making him flinch with pain. Ryan's legs had been crushed and he could barely stand but he didn't scream biting his lip to prevent himself from doing so.

Deno wanted to laugh but knew that the time and setting weren't in the right mood to do so. Deno began to silently giggle to himself as if he were really 5-years-old and placidly placed his hand on his mouth to stop the sound from coming out.

As if he was doing all this to save someone.

At the same time, Tun was still feeling the absolute brunt of the force and had begun to cope with it, he never knew the back of the head could be so fragile and the fact that he couldn't see had sent him into a panic shuffling around to find any opportunity to recover.

Suddenly, hearing Link distracting Deno, Tun found the opportunity that he had been waiting so desperately for. Using the slight laugh Deno had made, Tun swifty measured the distance between them, sending a full power backhanded punch in the form of a hook back towards Deno. The force of the attack created a slight shockwave of energy as all the disciples present could feel their own hearts palpitate hearing the hit connect.

With that one attack, Deno was sent flying into the wall catching multiple disciples along with him, bits of the wall began to crumble as a large crack in the shape of a spiderweb was left.

"Ahh, damn that hurt."

Deno managed to let out as he composed himself.

'Hm, what's this?'

Noticing a streak of red bloodstream down his forehead Deno's eyes began to widen and fists began to be clenched.

'Looks like you're not as tough as you thought.'

Adriana remarked cheekily causing Deno's vein to bulge in anger.

No matter how he saw it, she was right. He was once again nothing, a speck in the grand scheme of things. Deno had used a myriad of fierce and drastically severe techniques meant to send someone in his previous life to the grave but the kid's speed was able to block each and every one of them.

If he were honest, He was going to use Link as a hostage just as Link 'attempted' with Ryan and force Tun to let him go but Tun distracted himself in an attempt to somehow mess Deno up.

One attack and Deno had almost been immobilised, clearly, Deno had drastically underestimated the power difference of a stage between cultivators.

He would have to work immensely hard to rise back to the top but when had he ever shied away from a challenge?


Brushing the dust off his light blue robe, Deno got back into a fighting stance as the disciples around him scurried away like ants, this was his opportunity to get rid of his rustiness and slowly pass his prime.

Tun on the other hand had been blinded by pure rage, his eyes were bloodshot red, teeth grinding and fists bleeding. He was simply waiting, waiting to counter Deno once he attacked. Like a spider merely awaiting its prey's arrival to capture them and strike.

Dashing forward with a trail of blood behind him, Deno went in for a head-to-head bout straight ahead at Tun, no tricks, no folly only face-to-face.

The disciples that gazed on felt the need to facepalm at his brashness, he had a chance at how that Tun was blinded but now was the time he stopped with the techniques. Some disciples that were from greater families and had tutors before their cultivation journey could faintly tell his attack was lethal but none could truly tell how lethal it was.

"What are you doing Alexander?! Don't get us killed you crazy bastard! If I die before my revenge I won't hesitate to haunt you in your next life as well!"

Screaming, Adriana didn't fail to openly share her thoughts about his recklessness.

Deno didn't mind these comments as he simply tuned them out, why was the reason, it was because he was feeling the rush once more. No more was he in his previous life where every fight he participated in he could easily overcome, now it was truly life or death, nothing predictable or overcomeable. This time he faced a wall that he couldn't jump over with minimal effort unlike the dullness of his past life.

Deno sent a straight punch out towards Tun blowing his face to the right his long smooth luscious hair following close behind to which Tun rushed at him sending out a blatant jab completely missing Deno as he briskly ducked underneath.

Grabbing Tun's jab, Deno side sicked into Tun's knee shattering it completely, Tun barely enduring the pain sent out a roar shaking the entire cafeteria whilst pulling Deno and punching his jaw also shattering it in the process.

The crowd looked on speechless, both parties completely equal. Blow after blow, strike after strike. Blood splattered on the walls and floor bathing both of them in the pain. In the end, it was simply an endurance fight and Deno seemed to be peerless in that aspect.

Link had fallen to the floor in terror as the sight of Deno's bloody deformed figure matched his senior brother's while Ryan beamed with excitement. How impressive was Deno, how amazing was his character, Ryan had never been more curious about someone before and Deno had seemed to give him hope that the Pride Sect wasn't the shit hole he thought it was.

Could he too reach that level in such a short amount of time, could he too not fall to another Immortal, as his father had, standing up to the numerous hooded Immortals that each matched him in power, he still made them hesitate, he still made them fear him?

After each blow Tun began to break down more and more contemplating if this was worth it, his bones were shattered, eyes were blurred, muscles were worn and his honour had been lost.

"What's going on?"

Suddenly appearing in the hallway was another dark blue-robed figure, similar in stature to Tun yet more muscular, with orange short hair that went only to his shoulders standing there in an upright relaxed attitude to the scene.

The starting disciples each wanted to respond and answer his questions but they were all out of breath. They only realised they had been holding their breaths the entire time Deno and Tun were exchanging blows. As they all began to pant heavily with sweat trickling down their necks, Link dropped Ryan and made his way to stand staring straight at Jeremy.

When Jeremy had arrived, Link had merely been embarrassed but now that Tun had failed in defeating Deno, none of the blame went to him and directly followed him. He would be the one that would have lost to someone weaker and not him, definitely not him

"Help Senior Brother Jeremy, this disciple Deno here attempted to destroy my dantian!"

Deno's eyes widened in surprise as he did everything in his power to not make his tattered and broken body crumble beneath him. He had barely defeated this one opponent and the other, he would be the death of him.

All but still, he couldn't help but smile. Although he was fighting children, they were god damn powerful children that could demolish boulders with their thumbs and move faster than a cheetah.

All the starting disciples had a silent appreciation for him as he had heroically attempted to stop the tyrant of the starting disciple that made all cower. But regardless, it wasn't and never was their place to step in.

Taking a step back and looking away, the disciples left to fate to decide what would be done with Deno but Ryan on the other hand couldn't believe what he saw.

Ryan knew Jeremy perfectly well, he was an outer disciple with greater influence than even Link, someone thought to be a genius of the sect but even so, he also knew that Jeremy was someone that strictly implemented justice.

He saw Link's smile and deduced that this was his only opportunity to reveal the truth.

"Ahem, Ahem"

Ryan cleared his throat, fighting through the bruises and sharp pain soaring from it. Slowly, Ryan lifted his head and shouted.

"No! Don't listen to that bastard, he's lying."

Link lost his balance in shock as Ryan spoke.

'What does this fool think he's doing.'

Link was furious, now suddenly everyone thinks they are allowed to do as they wish in front of him?

Stomping on the back of Ryan attempting to shut him up, Link pushed down on Ryans's spine placing all his weight on it.

Ryan didn't move an inch from his original position only a few drops of blood dripping out from the side of his lips. He roared.

"Link assaulted me and Deno came to my rescue only to be met with another person to fight. He has been fighting to the last breath even two on one to help my deplorable self."

Deno couldn't even hear them as his ears had been crushed by Tun's slaps so he merely relied on Adriana to explain.

'Nice! The kid you saved is supporting your side of the story.'

Deno sighed as he wanted to move on from the topic to something more important.

'Yeah, yeah. But when can I get my food though?'

'You lost your chance, Alexander when you began to fight!'

Adriana screamed in rage, how could he be thinking about food at a time like this? She was simply infuriated.

'I'm just saying, I could take the new guy on if I had a good slab of meat in my stomach.'

Deno retorted with a sly shrug. Why was all this even happening in the first place, all he wanted was some food.

'You know what. We should've just gone to the market...'

Deno said to himself while he dug his fingers into the corner of his eyes dully rubbing them.