The Boy Who Had it All

Opening his eyes, Deno squinted, as the golden rays of sunlight filtered through the blinds, cutting into his eyes. Gentle chirping filled the air, whilst the distant murmur of people gossiping and going about their day made its way through the window.


Deno tried to speak, but his throat was raspy, and his body ached with discomfort as he could only manage a groan as he lifted his head from the pillow. Glancing down at his bed, he was taken aback by the stark contrast from his previous life. Yesterday, the sheets had been stained with sweat and blood, the stench of which had seeped into every corner of the room. But now, the air was fresh, the sheets were bleach clean, and he was dressed in fresh clothes.

Resting his head back onto the cheap cotton pillow, he couldn't help but smile. The tranquillity of this new world was palpable, and it felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Perhaps this was an opportunity for a fresh start, a chance to leave behind his past mistakes.

Deno closed his eyes and allowed himself to be swept away by the peacefulness of the moment. He felt a sense of optimism and hope for the future, like the first glimmer of light on the horizon after a long, long nightmare.

"Hey Alexander, you finally let me in again. I'm so glad!"

The voice was like a ghostly whisper, emanating from the darkness in front of Deno's bed. As his eyes struggled to adjust to the dim light, a tall figure slowly came into focus. He was a man of striking appearance, with jet-black hair that cascaded down his shoulders and dark eyes that seemed to bore into Deno's very soul.

Deno's eyes shot open as his heart began to race. He sat bolt upright, his body pressed against the wall in disbelief, his mouth agape in shock and fear.

"No-No. You're not supposed to be here! Why are you following me! Why won't you leave me alone?"

Deno stared at the figure, it was him, the man he was in his past life simply standing there with a smirk on his face, his dark eyes fixed on Deno's every move. Deno's mind was awhirl with fear and confusion, as he struggled to make sense of the situation. He couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched, followed, and now confronted by the man.

'Hey, Hey! Alexander! Are you alright?! Talk to me!'

Adriana exclaimed, her voice etched with concern. She called out to him, but he seemed lost in a world of his own.

Deno blinked a second time, and the man disappeared as if he had never existed. He vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind.

Taking short, deep breaths, Deno wiped the sweat off his forehead and sat back on the bed. His mind was still racing, trying to make sense of his old friend.

'Yeah, I'm good,'

Deno said with a sigh, his voice barely above a whisper.

'I just thought I saw something.'

Adriana, confused and worried, gazed into his memory, searching for answers. She could see the fear and uncertainty in his voice and knew that something was troubling him deeply and yet she couldn't find anything as no one was there.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and an old man with a hunched back shuffled through, his absurdly long hat catching on the doorframe. He was dressed in tattered robes, and his face was etched with wrinkles and lines that spoke of a long and hard-lived life.

"Ah, little Deno, I thought I heard something."

Old Sang said, his voice warm and comforting, and a smile creased his pale, wrinkled lips.

"You were asleep for two days and healed surprisingly quickly for such injuries. The medicine I gave you put you into a deep coma for those two days, but you should be free to leave now."

Deno felt a sense of unease.

"Thanks, Dr Sang, so uh, do I have to pay for the given services?"

He asked, unsure of how to proceed. He had been locked up in one room or another for so long, it felt like he was just going from cage to cage, like a domesticated bird.

"Well, normally you would have to, but your senior brother Ryan and senior sister Ally covered it all. Granted, she did ninety per cent of the paying, but I felt that I should mention Ryan as well,"

Old Sang said pleased by Deno's use of doctor. Nobody calls him a doctor and it had gotten on his nerves but now it was what he went by and he was fine with it.

Deno felt a sense of anger and resentment towards Ryan and Ally. Sure, they had helped him out, but now he owed them and would have to feel inclined to help them out on other things. He couldn't shake off the feeling of being trapped, beholden to others, like a prisoner in an endless cycle of debt and obligation.

'What are you thinking, Alexander?!'

Adriana exclaimed, her patience wearing thin at Deno's rash actions.

'Just think of it as Ryan paying his debt, and it as Ally's real birthday present.'

Adriana said, trying to get Deno to see the reason.

'You make it sound like I'm a child.'

Deno retorted, feeling indignant.

'Hush boy, that's because you are one, at least compared to me.'

Adriana said, her voice laced with arrogance. Her words were sharp, and Deno couldn't shake off the feeling of being belittled and patronized. He knew that she had his best interests at heart, but he couldn't help feeling resentful of the way she treated him like a child.


The water poured down Ryan's hair in a torrent, and pellets of water dripped down his fingers. The hot, steamy water rose to the ceiling in swirling clouds above Ryan's head as he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

The same thought resounded through Ryan's mind, over and over again. He couldn't shake off the memory of the godlike glow that had surrounded Deno as he stood before the three boys. The way Deno had loomed over Link and Tun as if they were mere ants, and even when Jeremy arrived, the determination in Deno's eyes had only been fueled even more. He was a true immortal, a force to be reckoned with. Ryan couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and fear in the presence of such power.

He had first walked in with a heroic stride, and as if it were nothing, he broke the rules of the immortal code. All Immortals knew that when faced with an opponent of higher cultivation, it would almost always end in a resounding defeat, particularly the higher in cultivation one climbed.

Ryan smiled shakily as his eyes opened wide in excitement, for if he could ever reach such a level, he would give it all, not that he had much to give.

As Ryan stepped into the shower, the warm water cascaded over his body, the droplets clinging to his skin before cascading down his frame.


He closed his eyes, the water seeping into them, causing them to snap shut in discomfort. He quickly shut off the water and reached for a towel, roughly drying his hair as he glared at his reflection in the mirror. The bruises were still visible, a constant reminder of the price he paid. He had given the last of his spirit stones to Deno's recuperation and had none left to heal himself.


The sound of his fist impacting the wall echoed through the small room like the roar of a lion, filling Ryan with a sense of satisfaction. But as he looked at the hole in the wall, the reality of his situation came crashing down on him.

What would his father think of him now, in this weak, pathetic state? He was supposed to become stronger, to reach the pinnacle of the martial dao and bring the people who destroyed his sect beneath his feet. And all that he had achieved was being bullied every day, unable to defend himself.

His fists clenched tightly as hot tears streamed down his face, mixing with the droplets of water still clinging to his skin. His jaw clenched in anger, his head began to steam with red-hot rage.


Ryan let out a cry as he punched another hole in the wall, venting his frustration and disappointment. But as the echo of his cry faded away, he came back to his senses, taking deep breaths in an effort to calm himself. He knew that he couldn't let his emotions control him, he needed to find a way to become stronger.

He would not let his father's legacy, and his own dreams, be wasted on a weak, pitiful existence.

The water dripped down the ends of Ryan's hair as he donned his dao robe, its dirty, stained fabric still caked with his dried blood. The only sounds that could be heard were the soft patter of his steps and the final drops of water as they fell from his hair.

He couldn't help but wonder when Deno would visit him, when Jeremy would visit him... but he knew he'd be safe as long as he stayed in his room. He couldn't shake off the feeling of isolation and loneliness, trapped in his own mind and body, with nothing but his thoughts for company.




The sound of knocking echoed through the room like a thunderous clap, causing Ryan to jump in surprise. He turned towards the door, his heart beating wildly as he cautiously approached it.

"Mmm, 2931?"

A familiar voice spoke through the door, filling Ryan with a sense of relief. He recognized the voice as that of his old friend, Deno.

With a sigh of relief, Ryan opened the door to find Deno standing there, a small, unassuming boy with jet-black hair and plain features. Deno didn't move, he stood there seemingly studying Ryan, looking him up and down with his eyes, his head not moving an inch.

Breaking the silence, Ryan said,


The word felt inadequate as if it couldn't convey the depth of emotion he was feeling. He didn't know what to say, how to start the conversation.

"You said you had something for me?"

"Oh right! Here you go."

Ryan gifted a tightly clutched vile to Deno as Deno took it mimicking his tick grab.

Deno's eyes narrowed as he examined the elixir, the liquid inside shimmered with a golden light and emitted a strong medicinal aroma. He could feel the powerful energy emanating from it and knew that it must have been incredibly valuable.

"Thank you, Ryan. This is quite a generous gift."

Deno said, his voice filled with gratitude.

Ryan smiled, his eyes lighting up with pride.

"Something my father gave me."

Deno nodded, his expression serious.

"I appreciate the sentiment, Ryan. And I will make sure to use this elixir wisely."

He pocketed the vile, feeling a sense of warmth spread through his body as the elixir's energy flowed through him.

As he turned to leave, Deno couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. He knew that he had been harsh on Ryan since the first moment. Well, harsh wasn't the right term for it. More like complete indifference.

Deno stopped and turned to Ryan,

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Actually, yes... How, how did you do it?"


Deno said.

"How did you stand up to Tun, Jeremy and Link? How did you do it? I get beaten up every day and no matter how hard I try I can't overcome them. How are you so powerful?"

Deno stood before Ryan, with a look of understanding on his face.

"I can sense your frustration, Ryan. The desire to be strong, to be able to stand up for yourself."

He paused for a moment, considering his words.

Deno's eyes reminisced as he spoke.

"The truth is, I'm sorta lost myself. I think it takes time and an underdog attitude. But, I have an unfair advantage, one that you do not have. However, that does not mean you cannot achieve the same level of strength as me or even some random ass elder."

"What do you mean unfair advantage? Sure you're favourited by Ally but that can't be it cause you don't take advantage of it."

Ryan questioned. What type of unfair advantage did Deno have? Was he getting private teachings from a powerful elder? Did he already have some type of herb or elixir that could increase his dao or had he come across a powerful martial art manual?

Cutting off Ryan's train of thought, Deno continued.

"It doesn't matter. Just push past your limits? Yeah, that should be enough I guess."

Looking at his face, Ryan seemed to be immensely unsatisfied.

'Nice motivational speech Alex.'

Adriana stated sarcastically.


Deno said as he was slightly caught off guard by her casual use of a nickname.

'What you don't like it?'

With his patience cut short by Adriana and seeing that the kid was being really pushy Deno sighed and decided to actually put some effort in for the kid.

Ryan wasn't speaking but his eyes still gleamed with the hope of some secret that gets you stronger.

Deno sighed,

"Let me tell you a story."