
Deno's Pov:

My eyelids trembled as I began to regain consciousness, becoming aware of my unfamiliar surroundings my mind began to rush with possibilities of what had occurred.

The one answer that I kept coming back to was death. I had died, again.

Was I in a womb for the third time?

Curiously gazing around, my head swivelled in circles and my brows knit together as I began to think that this place wasn't a womb.

It was different, it was dark, darker than a womb, dark enough to which I could not see anything in front of me, yet I could still see.

It was an indescribable view, like staring into space without the stars: nothing above me, nothing to my left, right, or below.

Suddenly a whispering voice came from the distance like the hiss of a snake.

The voice trailed off but it repeated the same nonsense.

"Alex, let it all go, bring me back to you and I promise I'll save you like you never could me."

I couldn't tell where it was coming from as it seemed to be omnipresent, everywhere at once, even on the inside.

'Inside me?'

Looking at my body I realised that I was in my old body, Alexander Takahashi, not Deno, but The Unyielding fist.

Looking straight ahead, a smoky stream began to form from some type of white gas right in front of me yet out of reach as if it were cautious of me. The smoke trailed around in the same spot spinning in spirals but gradually began to become more and more defined.

The smoke condensed together and took the silhouette of a slim and short boy that looked to be around 12.

The figure hadn't needed to finish forming before I had already recognised who it was.

"Ryan? Is that really you?!"

Reaching my hand out I attempted to grasp his shoulder but before I could grab him he ducked away in a playful manner with an ebullient grin on his face. The smile caused my heart to ache and I pushed through the pain still reaching my tattooed bulky arm out.

Running through me, he blew up into a wisp of smoke just to conjoin back together once he had passed me.

I shot my head around and flung my hand out to catch him but It simply didn't work. Attempting to lift my feet and follow I stayed grounded as if my legs were glued to the ground.

Clenching my hand into a rock-hard fist I brought it close to my chest as my lips trembled and tears streamed down my face. I couldn't move and my brother was leaving me once more, I was absolutely helpless, as always.


I called out mumbling to myself.

Slowly, Ryan stopped running, his movement adjusted into a walk then stood still and turned around.

My tears blurred my vision as I slashed at my face to clear it, squinting, I relaxed as I realised Ryan had reached his arm out.

Mimicking him, I did the same whilst he stared daggers into my soul.

Slowly, Ryan began to dissipate and turn back into a wisp of smoke.

Suddenly the vision disappeared and a different boy was standing above me in the place of Ryan with a wrinkly old man by his side.

Glaring daggers into the brown wooden ceiling above me, my body began to ache.

'So... I didn't die huh?'


"You're awake young man."

An old man wearing impeccable white robes and an absurdly long hat stated calmly, a warm grin brimming from his face.

"Who are you?"

Deno said, his eyes that were once piercing into the ceiling, now pierced through the old man.

"Oh? For someone who should be screaming in pain you're quite calm right now, aren't you? My name is Doctor Sang, but you may call me Old Sang."

Old Sang said, his attention focused on Deno's legs as he dabbed his index finger into a leaf green cream and applied it to the purple bruises.

"How did I get here?"

Deno said, not able to get up and look around.

"Little Ryan brought you, in fact, you should be thanking him. Without him, you would have died."

'Ryan?!' '

Deno thought almost jumping out of the bed, it was eerie, That boy he saw when he woke up has the same name as his brother. The brother on Earth who he treasured dearly. Deno squinted as his gaze fell on Ryan, he couldn't help but see the resemblance between the two. Disregarding their names of course.

Ryan had now moved to the corner of the room as he shyly looked at the ground. He was also in a bad state but nothing compared to Deno. He didn't mind waiting for his turn as if Deno hadn't been there his injuries would've been far more brutal.

Ryan took a step forward as he took a large gulp. Stepping into Deno's field of vision, both their eyes met as Ryan said.

"Thank you Junior brother Deno. If you ever need something from me in the future, then I will be more than glad to help you out."

Deno chuckled to himself as Ryan finished his words.

'Junior Brother...'

Deno repeated ironically, he was a middle-aged man and was being called a junior brother.

"Don't take it to heart."

Deno said nonchalantly waving him off.


"Seriously, don't."

Deno said sharply cutting him off.

Nodding Ryan took a step back again almost stumbling in embarrassment.

Old Sang's brows lifted up in surprise listening to their short conversation, he had never seen such a mature and scary Starting disciple before.

"If you don't mind me asking, what occurred in the cafeteria for you to be in such a bad state?"

Attempting to start a conversation with Deno, Old Sang was stunned to find out Deno had already dozed off. His eyelids shut and his breathing slowed as if he had already gone to the other world.


Deno's consciousness:

'Adriana! What the hell? Why're you so pissed?'

Deno internally shouted in curiosity. His eyebrows twitched.

Just what had he done to deserve this?

Hearing this thought perfectly Adriana exploded out in fury practically swallowing Deno whole.

'Alexander you suicidal bastard! Why am I pissed!? You completely ignored me throughout the entire fight! You put yourself under extreme pressure and into a life-threatening position that could have gotten you killed which would have therefore gotten me killed and put everything, especially my revenge in jeopardy simply because of your stupid god-forsaken ego!'

Out of breath and having gotten everything out at once, Adriana gradually relaxed.

How many years had it been since she was forced to lecture someone? In her time, every and all dragons would bow down to her commands risking their lives if she deemed it necessary.

She wasn't feared, simply, respected. And yet as of now, she's been having a severe migraine every day since becoming trapped with Deno.

Deno internally nodded his head, he was obviously in denial, or at least he would be if he knew what he did wrong. She had just as much of an ego as he did and honestly, it pleased his own ego when he bruised hers but still, she was practically his guide and how could he trust her if they didn't get along?

'Do you really think it's my fault? There wasn't much I could do. Begging for forgiveness wouldn't have worked, we both know how cruel humans can be.'

Deno could practically feel Adriana's burn up at his words but he didn't care.

Deno realising she was still silent, continued.

'And besides, now I actually understand how this power-up thing works-'

'I think you mean the Imperial Dragon Cultivation technique.'

Adriana said cutting him off.

'Right, anyway, all we have to do is take out stronger creatures and we gain their cultivation levels, now that my bones have been literally wrapped in stone it'll all be a breeze.'

Adriana sighed in response to Deno's words.

'No Alexander, I only wish it was that easy even with the Imperial Dragon Cultivation Technique, it takes unreasonably long to go from the 5th to 4th let alone higher than even that.'

'You mean because of this dantian?'

Deno said placing his fingertips around his solar plexus.


Still not giving in, Deno's confidence remained unparalleled his fiery eyes burning greater than ever.

Seeing this sudden mood change, Adriana realised that Deno simply used this to fuel himself more. This caused a slight smirk to introduce itself onto her face.


Abruptly the doors to the infirmary slammed open as the sound reverberated through the house, all three turned to see a cute flowery figure flying towards Deno like an arrow dashing across the room like a sparkle of light.

Stopping an inch from Deno's bed she took him into a tight hug locking her hands around his back and knocking all the air out of his lungs.

"Khhr, you're going to kill me!"

Deno said panicking while still in her embrace.

The hug lasted a few seconds but eventually, Ally released Deno from her grasp and pinched his cheek with her fingers.

"Junior Brother! I've been looking everywhere for you! Happy birthday!"

Ally stood tall with an impeccable posture, her blonde hair glistening even in the dim lights as her jade-like skin further defined her charming smile. She wore a dark blue robe that showed her outer disciple status, but contrary to her clean face her clothes were messy, soaked in mud and the blood of monsters.

Deno blinked in amazement, he hadn't seen her in so long and she had grown so fast.

Her background in a tiny village really showed as she didn't care about her looks, her natural beauty putting all the other disciples to shame.

'How old was she the last time I saw her?'

Deno asked Adriana still surprised.

Adriana was quick to answer.

'I believe she was six and now she should be eleven or ten.'

'Wow her features are more defined than celebrities back on Earth.'

Deno commented whilst glancing over at the enthralled Ryan.

'Someone seems to be in their own world right now.'

Adriana added after him as they both chuckled in unison.


Ryan's mouth was left hanging agape in astonishment and envy.

If only he could be held in her arms and soft and smooth and luscious and warm and kind and yellow and smooth and soft and perfect and amazing grasp.

Shaking his head he snapped himself out of his frenzy and realised who she was. The Sun Swan, rumoured to be a prodigy of the Pride Sect was standing in front of him.

Clenching his fists, Ryan made sure to stay away from her as clearly she was taken.

He respected the bro code and as much as his heart would ache, he would nearly have to toughen up and keep on moving.

It seemed that the hero did get the girl in the end.


Deno couldn't and didn't want to wrap his head around her being attractive as it was simply an impossible feat. He understood other disciples as his 'senior sister's' celebrity-like figure was probably hard to keep your eyes off of, but to him, she was a child.

He shivered at the mere thought of it.

Even though he was 5 years of age physically, he still had his middle-aged mentality.

Ryan on the other hand had a gleam Deno had never seen before, like love at first sight, only the other party hadn't even noticed the other existed.


Suddenly a group of outer disciples similarly entered the infirmary, their chimes of the bells notified all of their presence as each made their way into the room swiftly passing the drawing room.

"Hey Ally, did you find your junior brother?"

Mearna stated in worry, they had entered the infirmary so something bad must have occurred to him, on his first day too.

"Yeah, I'm tired of searching."

Chase remarked lazily not even bothering to scan the room as he casually entered eyes squinting on the verge of falling asleep.

Jeremy entered last, walking onto the polished oak planks of the room he followed the other three into the sick bay across from them. He was also exhausted as his muscles ached in soreness. He had travelled multiple hours non-stop back to the Pride Sect, fixed up some none sense caused by the starting disciples and now had searched for another few hours for some little kid that was supposed to have close ties with Ally.

Even still he took a deep breath as he ruffled his tangerine-coloured hair. He had to get into a good relationship with this person so he could get closer to Ally. It was clear how close to this person she was willing to search so arduously for him, and that simply made it more urgent to get close to them.

Walking into the sick bay, Jeremy's eyes landed on one particular person disregarding all the multiple Immortals in the room, his heart froze as his heart began to pound.

Jeremy felt beads of sweat form around his face as his body began to swim in it, his small lips were shaped in an O as he stood stuck in his position flabbergasted having not yet comprehended the situation.

'This kid... Is he not the one I beat to a pulp back at the cafeteria? That was Deno? That crazy relentless monster was the Sun Swan's dearest junior brother?'

Jeremy held himself together by strands, simply wanting to retreat back into a shell.

'Would this not mean that his assignment had failed already? Everything he had worked for? What would he tell the elder? That he 'accidentally' attacked her junior brother?'

A myriad of thoughts raced through his mind as he stood at the entrance dumbfoundedly. When Deno laid his eyes on him, he felt himself melt flinching at Deno's mere glance.

Deno didn't even have that sharp dangerous look to him, it was merely a friendly glare but it sent shivers down Jeremy's spine.

'He must know he has all the power now. He could expose me at any moment. Please Supreme Dao, have mercy on me. I will change my ways, I was wrong to be so cruel, please give me another chance, please.'

Jeremy gulped whilst internally begging his sorrows away, but to his shock, Deno only looked at him for a few moments and then changed his attention elsewhere.

Jeremy's brows knit as he slowly began to compose himself,

'Did Deno not recognise him?'