
"Class?" Raum pushed up her glasses and made a confused face. "Did I hear this correctly, Adam of the Park?"

"Class?" asked Leila, utterly bewildered. "Darling, what use have you of mortal knowledge now? Anyhing and everything you need to know, you can learn from Hell."

"Indeed. Mortal knowledge pales in comparison to the secrets of Hell," said Raum. "And what use have you to ingratiate yourselves among other mortals? You are no longer human, and by being the princess's bond, you are destined for far greater."

"I get all that," said Adam. "Honestly, I'm not all that psyched to be taking classes as well. It's just that, well, I promised my dad I would graduate. I'm in my last year and he's worked most of his whole life by himself to support me through it.

It might seem pointless, going to class and getting this degree, but for him, I have to do this."

"I understand the need to live up to a parent's expectations," said Leila with a solemn nod. "But time is precious, my darling. We have less than a month now before the ritual officially begins, and any time you spend on mortal classes, especially those that do not grant you magical knowledge, will only hold you back."

"It's not so much about meeting expectations as it is a gesture of giving back to my dad," said Adam. "A little something to show for him that all the time he's sacrificed for me isn't for nothing."

Raum sighed. "You can take a leave of absence, no?"

"You're strangely knowledgeable about the modern school system," noted Adam.

"I know many things," said Raum simply.

"I-I would have known, too, if I had stayed in Hell longer and learned," pouted Leila with all her pride.

"Speaking of, Leila, how exactly, hm, how do I put this," started Adam. He wanted to ask how old she exactly was, but he knew that question was in bad taste to ask for normal human women, and he was careful about whether it was just as dangerous for demons. "Uh, how many years have passed since you came into existence?"

"Only twenty, my darling," said Leila. "Eighteen of those spent in Hell, two hiding in the Overworld. Because of how little I have lived, I lack knowledge of many things, unfortunately."

"That's all right. Compared to me, you might as well be a genius," said Adam, slightly surprised that Leila was so young. He turned to Raum. "And you?"

"That is off topic," said Raum, brushing the question off.

"Goodness, Raum, are you embarrassed of your age?" said Leila with a smug smile. "How old were you again? Were you not there when the Messiah was born and sacrificed? Two thousand? Maybe more?"

"Again, off topic," said Raum as the slightest hint of an embarrassed blush tinted her pale cheeks. She pointed to Adam to change the flow of the conversation. "Adam of the Park, apply for a leave of absence."

"I can't," said Adam. "I would if I could. But it's too late to apply for one. It's the middle of the semester."

"There are exceptions for special circumstances," said Raum. "And this qualifies for one. Obviously, you cannot let simple mortals know of your purposes, but if you are of the princess's blood, then you are capable of casting strong hypnosis. All you have to do is use it."

"I heard from Leila that hypnosis used on people leaves a magical trace unless they fill their bodies with a foreign substance like alcohol or drugs, and I really doubt the old professors and faculty I talk to are drinking their brains out," said Adam.

Raum twirled her black pen in her gloved fingers before drawing an image of shades in the air. Black shades manifested, and she plucked it out of mid-air and handed them to Adam.

"Those will make your hypnosis untraceable, though there may be some eye strain with excessive use," said Raum. A shattering sound echoed through the air, revealing cracks lined all around Raum's skin. "Gah," she said in monotonously annoyed tone. "This avatar was built for speed and convenience, not for using any Shadow Magic.

That is about all I can do for you for now, but I hope as the princess's bond, you are capable of handling yourself, no?"

"What, you want me to beat you in a duel again?" said Adam, the faintest hint of smugness rising in his voice.

"You are taking after well from the princess," said Raum. She stared at Adam with a serious, almost glaring look. "But I have my own pride too. The next time you challenge me will be when you are far stronger. Perhaps in the very realm of Hell where our powers are not shackled.

Then, we will fight for real, Adam of the Park."

"I'll look forward to it," said Adam.

"Hm. As will I," said Raum.

"Maybe if you did not spend so much time dueling anyone that even slightly annoyed you, you would not scare off so many potential husbands, Raum," sighed Leila.

"I have no need for husbands when I have my laboratory," said Raum as she shooed away imaginary suitors. She then transitioned into holding an open hand towards Adam. "But I do require a blood sample from you."

"Blood sample? Why?" said Adam.

"I can only analyze so much of you through your hair," said Raum. "Blood does far better. This way, I can analyze your body composition and hopefully have a thorough explanation of how your powers work soon."

"Do it, darling," said Leila. "I may tease Raum quite a bit, but I do trust her. She has cared for me most of my life in place of my mother who was far too busy as a queen. And most of all, I trust her abilities. She will know your strength and the best way to draw it out."

Adam was mildly surprised that Leila would let Raum take his hair samples and blood, potentially for her own, well, recreational purposes, but other than that, Adam did have to agree that Raum knew quite a lot about everything, and her analysis was probably way more efficient in figuring out Adam's powers than his current hulk smash method of "feel heat in heart, go fight and smash".

Adam put his hand in Raum's, and in an instant, she had sliced a tiny nick on his palm. Right before the wound healed, a droplet of dark red, almost black blood welled up. Raum gently stabbed this droplet with the tip of her pen, causing it to stick to the shadowy metal, and then pocketed her pen.

"Good," said Raum simply. "Now then, I have all I need. Oh, and that werewolf skin you buried outside-,"

"Yeah, about that-," said Adam. Leila had surprisingly easily skinned the werewolf using her claws and a low output of her flames to burn off flesh, but the giant skin smelled quite a bit, and Adam was hesitant about storing it in his tiny apartment.

"While we were talking, I had one of my crow familiars transport it away," said Raum. "I will process it into an item that you can wear. Do you have any preferences?"

"A cloak!" chimed in Leila. "A cloak for my darling who is soon to be king! It is only fitting."

Adam internally thought that a cloak was a little too flashy and unwieldy to be wearing, but that was too minor a thought to oppose Leila with.

"I wouldn't mind a cloak," said Adam.

"Understood," said Raum.

Raum reached into her second breast pocket and withdrew a pocket watch made of strange red metal warped into threatening looking spikes. At the center of this mass of spines was the timepiece itself where small finger bones marked out the minute and hour hands.

"And I do suppose it is now time for me to go," said Raum. "Again, princess, it has been a wonderful opportunity to meet you again and see that you are developing well. I regret that I cannot aid you further, but the Overworld is difficult for me to traverse, and my laboratory requires much of my time to manage."

"I understand, Raum," said Leila. She paused for an awkward moment before she continued: "I…I appreciate what you do for us. I appreciate the time and effort you spend and the risks you take."

It was obvious that Leila was not used to voicing her appreciation for anyone. Probably a product of her princess upbringing.

"Hm? Where is this coming from?" said Raum. This time, it was Raum who teased Leila. "You have never once shown me this kind of warmth with your pride as a princess and all."

"I-I-," Leila began to blush. "It's because of darling! When he told me he appreciated me for who I was, I felt…I felt good. I thought, maybe, it would be the same for you."

Raum smiled and knelt down, putting a hand over her heart. Smoke and feathers started to rise around her. "Princess, I am simply your sworn butler. I do not require your appreciation or praise. I simply perform the duties I swore to uphold.

But I cannot deny that your words lightened my day a little. I will carry that light to me into the depths of Hell."

With that, Raum disappeared in her trademark cloud of smoke and feathers.

After making sure her presence was gone, Adam and Leila both had the same thought. They immediately leaped into the bed together, wrapping themselves in the other's arms.

"Man, am I tired," said Adam. "This Shadow Magic is ridiculously draining. I feel like I've sprinted a marathon."

"I feel the same, darling," said Leila as she smiled at Adam and stroked his hair while she wrapped her legs around his. She was tired too from having to use her Shadow Magic at an even greater output than Adam, and they clung close together now for comfort and affection after a day of tiring battles. "But I am so, so very proud of you, my love. Not only because you are growing strong, but also because of how willing you are to stand in harm's way for me."

"It was nothing," said Adam. "And besides, you make it sound like I'm some kind of simp that takes hits for you. You fought with me too, and I know you would take a hit for me at a moment's notice. I'm only matching what you would do for me."

"Simp?" said Leila, her head cocked in questioning.

"Uh…," began Adam. "Basically a guy that does everything for a girl without getting anything back."

"Ah, that is how men typically become under a succubus's thrall," said Leila. She nuzzled her face into Adam's neck, breathing in his scent and planting several kisses along his neck and finally, finishing with a long one to his lips.

When she withdrew, laying forehead to forehead with Adam, her red eyes meeting his, Adam could only feel love there. "But you are so much more than that. You are my everything. I would burn down a thousand, no, a million lives to have you by my side."

"And I would do the same for you," said Adam.

Leila reached in for another kiss, but Nia interrupted by plopping her furry body down between them. She panted and wagged her tail, rolling over to expose her belly.

"Oh, my hound, you must have felt alone. Such a jealous girl you are," said Leila sweetly. She petted Nia's belly before yawning.

"Let's get some rest, Leila," said Adam. "Long day tomorrow with that whole Warden thing."

"You're right, my darling."

With that, Adam, Leila, and Nia all cuddled up together, sleep falling over them surprisingly quickly. Like this, Adam could sorta kinda see that maybe, just maybe, if things went well and Leila accepted Nia, they could function as somewhat of a tight-knit family.

Sort of felt like a normal family in a way, what with a man, woman, and their happy and loving dog, except in this case the woman and the dog were battle hungry maniacs.