Chapter 39: the guy who is out of town

(so you met my Buddy on the weekend?) Charly nods. (Great...) Kris walked away. "You met somebody yesterday?" Jade asked,

"hey! hey! Kris!"  Albert came up to him. (what do you want?) Kris asked a bit annoyed. "are you always this annoyed?" (no) 

"also can you stop talking like that Open you mouth!" Kris rolled his eye, "how's between you and-" (shut it! not infront everyone) "sorry..." He gave Kris a grin, They look around for a free seat as the bell rings.

"Good morning Class!" The teacher smiled and prepared of the incoming of questions of on why the hell is the festival cancelled.

"Before you ask..."

"Ma'am Why isn't their a festival?" The classroom erupts into a jumble of words and incoherent sentences.

"Uhh... The festival... It's been move to February 14... So it will be a while. The Higher ups told us is due to lack of preparation..." She Calmly explains to the class.

"Miss? Who's this?" Patty raised her hand before pointing her finger at Albert.

"Ahh! He's our new classmate! Albert" He stands up and waves at everyone.

"Shady" Alexandra said. "I'll take as a compliment Alexandra"

"I knew it!"

The class began to whisper to one Another.

Anyways time for Class, that's boring we're skipping.

Charly Walked down the hall and Looked around, His mind wandering around as he passed through the rooms but he got a uneasy feeling of someone following him. "hey! hey!" Charly jumped at the voice of Albert. 

"did I scare you?" He asked, Charly gave them an annoyed looked. "I guess, that's a yes" Charly continued to give them an angry look. "Now! now! buddy! there's no need to get mad!" Albert said patting his back. "let's get some food! are you hungry?"  Charly nods. "great!" Both of them began to walk. "You know, has the internet made us more... like older?" Charly wondered what he meant. "uhhh... well you know that Some are already seeking that special some..." 

Charly just nods. "how about you? have you thought about that someone?" Charly shook his head. "hmmm... I see... you know Charly you are good person, I think I'll pay for you food" Charly waved his hand around, "no? come on! you're a great guy let me treat you to something!" 

"it just a good deed no need to for you too worry about!" 

new Friend acquired? 


"Kris! come on buddy old pal! open your mouth and talk like the rest of us!" (I think i'm fine...) He said as he begins to speedwalk away from them. "are you still trying?" Riley asked him. "I'm not going to stop! if he continues! then I'll just have to get more annoying!"

"I'd bet you'll get yourself, Killed" Albert Persisted. "So uhh? This is the place? An old run down restaurant?"

(The Employees are too busy, Being themselves than actually caring for the outside of their Building) Kris walked through the door.

"Charly Let go of my drink!" Charly shakes his head and his expression says it all. "It's mine I made these!"

"Cool child-" Albert was taped up. He still continues to talk even when Taped up.

"Tea, please" Jade requested. "Coming up boss lady!"


"Why the Meet up exactly?" Jade asked Kris and Riley. (it's her Idea not mine)

"Homework! And we Kinda need help with a couple of lessons..." Riley admitted.

"We?" "Yeah... We" Riley turned to Kris for backup. (yeah... We) Albert giggled.

Kris rolled his eyes at his Old and dear Friend.

"I can't help you-" Riley slammed her fist on the Table and screamed "why not!?" The Intimidation Tactics somewhat worked.

"With your Homework..." She moved at more Farther away.

"Look, The lessons part I can help you guys with but with the homework part ehhh... Not so much" Jade explained as she cup of tea was delivered to her.

"Why not?" "Well... Let's just say..."


"Jade did you cheat on the quiz?"

"Jade did you share your homework?"

"Jade did you study?"

"Jade have you done your assignments yet?"


"Strict Mom" She said as both girls Talk, Albert is Being an annoying bug to Kris, as he sits bored out of his mind.

'(If only)' he thought to himself. "Yeah... If only indeed"

"How did you-" Jackpot! "Gotcha" Kris frustratingly Sighed as the Gave A single pesos to Him. "oh what!? This is  all I get?"

"It was are agreement Yeah?" "This is a scam..."

"not my problem"

"Ugh! 1 pesos to ask to be freed by A serial... Nevermind that was Stupid" Charly backed away slowly...

"But still gotcha" (good. Now Shut up!)

Jade and Riley at the strange case that unfolded Infront of them.

Meeting Parents:

"I'm leaving early today! See ya next week Charly" Jade waved goodbye to him. He waves back before turning to the desk.

"I don't know, I feel something bad is going to happen" Charly wrote down to himself. The books dropped which could Only one thing...

"And I spoke correctly... Or wrote?" He looked to the door... "Hey kid" Father Kori stood there with a Smile.

Charly stood up and walked to him. His Classmates find it weird, that both of them looked completely Identical although with a few Differences.

"Your mom picking your sister up" they both stood silent... Knowing what Chaos she Already caused.


A knock came from the door of the Model class of the 7th grade. Angelice stood up  recognizing the Pattern.

She dusted off herself before taking a deep breath and exhaled before she opened the door.

"Good Noon" she bows to her parents... Her classmates awed at the sight of near Royalty.

"Good noon to you too my Dear" she Took her hand. "We're going to you're favorite"


"Let's just make to the Elementary section and be over with this... I sense the hint of Royalty..."

They both stop at the Sight of two people with their Child. "Mr. Dela" the Father spoke. "Mr. And Mrs. Joan..."

Charly waved at Angelice, she waved back, Charly smiled, she also smiled. Copycat.

The parents caught on. "A Pleasure to meet you both her"

"Yes, My Friend quite" The father spoke up

"What brings here? To the finest school in the country?" He asked them.

"Just her to pick up our daughter" the Mother put her hands on Angelice.

The three of them stared at each waiting for someone to End this Nightmare. Both Children Could the uneasy feeling like something wrong is going to happen...

"Hiiiiii!!!" Domi Walked on in. The Tension calmed down a bit... Only for a little. "Melissa and Connor... How are you?"

The weird Feeling is back again... "Hey, wanna to bail?" Chilly whispered Charly... He nods. "Ok one... Two... Three..."

"Right! Our Daughter is quite hungry and I'm sure your children are too" Connor told them.

"Oh? Going out somewhere?" Domi asked, "yes to the one Opening Today"

...the Silence is back and the uncomfort feeling again. "Mom let's just go"

"Quiet Dear, We are face to face with city's famous people. We need to talk to them"

"But didn't I told, I was already friends with that boy over there?"

"Who the Smaller version of Kori?" She nods.

'hah!? My daughter is Friends with him?'

"Quite the coincidence! We're going there too!" The Dela Family faced palmed.


"Uhhh... Yes quite a coincidence!" Connor responded.

"Would you three like to come together?"

"No-" "sure it would be nice!!!" Melissa accepted the offer.

Kori took out the duck tape. "Not here!" "Then in the car..."


Charly and Chilly had a disgusted look as they walked off to the exit.

To be answered?

I don't know anymore.