Chapter 41: Valentine's festival part 2 [day 1]

let us Continue. 


"righhttt...." They all look away With Suspicious in their eyes. "Isn't it a bit strange that Chilly Just so happens to appear at this exact moment"

Charly Shrugs at her. He stood up and left wandering off. "What's your take on this?" Riley turned to Kris. (Don't know Dude)

"Are you serious?" Kris shrugs at her. "You and Charly are the same person aren't you?"

(I'm not as handsome) He said. "You're both the same" "Will Charly be ok by himself?" Ana asked. "He'll be fine! He's probably just gone and bought something to eat." Riley said. "I haven't your Cronies around lately,"  Jade told Riley

"Oh them! Hah! Don't worry! Their fine, Their just Sick" "how did that happen?"

"The three Idiots, got sick due I don't know, not washing hands or something?" She can't really remember. Ana had a question and an Idea. "So Riley How was Charly like when he was a kid?"

"He was more talkative back then... If you could even say that, ehhh... What is... Actually that's it" Ana looked disappointed, he expected more. "sorry I don't know what to tell you" 

"There most be something else you remember! So we can laugh about it! You know!" Riley Jogged her memories, "here let me help!" Ana took a bat, "Woah! Woah! Calm down, sorry I don't really remember past anything 3rd grade!"

Ana Fell to his knees. "Please I need to know!!!" He begged and begged. "Go ask him" "but he's... NOT HEREEEEEE!!!!" He cried! Tears in his eyes! "He's right here" Jade pointed to Charly next to her. "Ehhhhh!!??? SINCE WHEN!?"

"25 seconds ago"

"Hah!? How did I not notice?" Charly Shrugs. He got back to plan. "Right so Charly..."


Heal, opened his eyes. "Good morning" Chilly greeted him, "huh?, What happened?"  He asked, as he felt a sharp pain in his head.

"You passed out" "why? Did I pass out"

"Uuhh... You hit your head hard on a tree branch" she said. "Did I? I felt like I had 2 injections"

"It's probably nothing!" She helps him up, "let's get you back to everyone else!" She said as she took his hand. He felt rather odd- 'AHHH- WHAT AM I THINKING!? THIS CHARLY'S SISTER HE'LL KILL ME!!!!" She Pulled him back to the courtyard, where all the stalls are.

There they both saw Charly and Ana have a bit of a Conversation.

"Tell me!" Charly just stares blankly, "actually, I think... No he's never been that expressive..." Ana spots Chilly coming over.

This was her chance! "Hey fellas!" Charly turned to Chilly... A cheeky smile Quickly formed, on his face.

She let go of Heal's hands, he let out his breath. "Chilly peppers! Tell me, you were born 1 year later after Charly! What was he like when he was a Kid! You know back then!"

"Ohhh... That, honestly he hasn't really changed that much" Charly sighed in relief.

"That's a lie! He liked to sing! He smiled more! And he was much nicer to me..." Charly was feeling to get a little bit nervous.

"No! No! Something embarrassing!"

"He's good at hiding"

"He's good at hiding" both Riley and Chilly said at the same time.



Ana had to accept the reality for now... He had a Stupid grin.

"Ok then..." He sat back down. Heal sat down next Charly... 'why there any other seat?' Charly turned to him with his emotionless face. "I'm don't Worry" Charly gave a cheeky smile and a thumbs up and winking Before Turing away.

.... .... .... .... Heal felt Happy.

"We should go and Explore while we have the time!" Riley suggested. "That would be good!" Ana said standing up, as he begins to run around.

(I'll Buy some pie) Kris said. "ohh I want some!" Ana immediately came back. Riley stood up, (I'm not paying you your pie) "I don't have any money!"

(Shouldn't have wasted it then) "Kiki!" She turns to Charly. He shrugs not knowing, what he did wrong.

"Come on! Please..." She gave the puppy eyes, As much as he wanted too... (No, I told you already) he Walked away.

Chilly peppers went with them. "How about you two? Shouldn't you be getting pie?"

"Uhhh... No We actually need to go to the Student Council room, the raffle is about to start in ten minutes and we need be present there for the raffling thingy..."  Jade Explained, "sucks to be you two"

"It's not that bad... At least we have Free Internet" She said.

Heal rolled his eyes. 


"Attention everyone who is present Please Head to the student council room to place your name in the raffle" the announcement was sent out.

"Placed your Tickets here!" Jo waved, as everyone lined up. Charly was monitoring Everyone. Thankful the line was short so it wasn't long.

Soon Enough, the line was empty. Charly stood and head to the bathroom. I might not be as good idea. 

Considering the time. "Charly!!!" Here we go.


"He left this phone!" Jo pointed out, he took a look at it, "hey!" Kai took it, "what I just want to see what's in it"

Jo said as he watched Kai put it down on the table. "You have no sense of privacy do you?"

"Sorry" "I unlocked it!" Everyone turned to who had Charly's phone. They all gather around. "Look at his gallery let's see what we'll find!!!" Jo said

"Probably some stuff..." They open it up and it was nothing but good Art and memes.

"These are... I don't understand... Any of these..." Kai said.

Angelice, Jo, and Jade all chuckled at the horrible memes he saved and some of the random pictures he has on his phone.

Bare with us... "1,000+ pictures! In total"

"Do you understand these?" Kai asked hopping. "Nope but it is funny!"

Hopping said. "hey, let's check his music!"

They look for his Spotify but... Nothing. "Huh, he doesn't use Spotify?"

"Oh actually!" Hopping opened his Music app.

They were shocked at the amount of songs on his phone, all kind of Genres of music.

"What's Music taste?" "Good music is what he likes" Jade said.

Charly joined them in breaching his privacy. "Mrpresidentwearesosorrypleaseforgiveussssss!!!!!!" They all said. Charly was blown away by it.


The clock turns, To 1:00 PM, 10 minutes earlier the students and teachers gathered around the stadium and watched the play... The flower princess and her Groom was it?

Years ago in land Lost to the God of time, was the land of heimsgate, entrance to the underworld there, in the kingdoms Palace was the trapped Flower princess Elizabeth, she Cries every night she has lost hope, on her Saviour, her hero, her white Knight.

Perhaps she may never get that wish that promise, not everything is fairy tale. Her life slowly fades out as the last speck of the Flower Petal falls.

"It was all a lie..." She cried out but no one heard as it was as soft as the wind. Her body was thrown from her room to the subjects of hell!!! Her bodies lies bloody and Broken.

Until... A young man approached the body and took her hand. He Felt something click. He carried the Girl to his home the Denizens mocking him as he passed them. Screaming "put that Filth down!" Or asking "you're dinner looks delicious care to share?"

The man ignores it moves on... The curtain falls.

"ON 30 MINUTE PLAY!!? IT HAS TO BE LONGER THAN THAT!!?" Heal angrily shouted. "That was an hour" Jade informs him

"Wait what?" "Yeah that was nearly an hour of Play" he was dumbfounded.

"Anyways have you seen Charly?" "Ehhh... I think he went to the roof halfway through." jade thanks him and makes her way to the rooftop.

"Charly?" He turned to her. "Hey..." She waves he waves Back. "Why didn't you go to the play?"

"To be honest I don't like these kind of things" Jade scoffs. "You don't? I thought you'd like these things!" He shakes his head. They look out to the skies.

"Pretty yeah?" Charly nods. "Sooo... Have you... Ya know found a Valentine?" Charly shakes his head. "Ok... Then" she gathered her courage up.

"Then can I be... Your.... Valentine...?" Charly stood still with a blank face... Before he struggled to keep his laughter in.

"OI! WHY ARE LAUGHING!?" Charly nods at her proposal. "Wait!? Really?" Charly Nods again. "Haha... See! Take that Alberich!- Uhhh... Don't think anything about this!" She pointed at him angrily. He shakes his head.

Valentine's acquired!

Angelice sighed. She smiled. "Why should I ruin It?" She wipes away her tears.

"Besides... It wouldn't be nice, Good luck in the future Jade" She walks passed them. Jade and Charly turned to her. She just gave a wink and thumbs up.

Jade frowned, Charly smiled.

She continues on her stroll as she lets it all go.

To be continued?

How do you write a love triangle? No how do you write in general.