Chapter 80: Love is a war

Love is a war, a war Fought with Affection, kindness, care, and love, today's battlefield... Escura Highschool, the grounds of Romance, despair, sadness, insanity, talent, and Joy, this place is where the ultimate game of Love will play out between Jade Parlor an "Average Girl" and aspiring Detective Alice Evergreen. Their goal is simple who can make Charly truly fall in love with them? As he has not fully decided yet who to fall for, the classroom is waiting patiently, for this entire to be resolved, so they can cute pictures and post them on Facebook, whoever wins this battle wins a Good boyfriend!

"Winner takes all?"

"And 30 minutes of total obedience"

The Players shakes their hand. "May the best girl" they both smiled sweetly at each other.

Welcome to Love war!


Mission 1: Pancake or waffles

"It's a day off today!" Ana said! "Woooo!!!" Heal celebrated. "For Charly!" "Woooo...." Heal celebrated less. Charly was glad he finally gets a break... After all this time, he could properly relax this time. Charly sits down and enjoyed his break.

The bells to the restaurant rang out. "2 cups of coffee" Jade called out for her orders. "Come right up!" Ana said. She spots Charly and sits down next to him. She smiled, and Charly nods. She took out a box From her backpack, wonder did he what were the contents of this box.

She opened it to find some pancakes they looked delicious. His eyes loved the sight of these delicious wonders of food. They could taste it! Charly stared at the fluffy pancakes.

Jade's plan was working out as expected, he got Charly's attention, "do you want some?" Charly turned to her, he gave a long and far-seeing stare, And nodded. "Hey! Pancakes!" Ana took one of Jade's Pancakes. "Good stuff!" Ana said placing down her coffee.

"Thank you" he walked away, Charly gone and took one out. Jade watched as he took a bite. He chowed down and a look of relief and satisfaction.

'Charly likes pancakes!' that's what his mom said to her and looks to be very true, his face looked so cute! And it got fluffier! Jade giggled.

She sneaked a photo of him. "I need to use the restroom, Be right back!" Jade stood up and walked away, Charly continues to eat the pancakes!

The Bell rings once again. "Appel file #30" Alice walked in. "Milk tea extra sweet," she said, looking for a place to sit down and rest. She spots Charly. 'perfect!' She walks up to him. She looks at the pancakes... 'I thought he liked waffles?'

His mother said that one to her. She sits down. Charly waved hello. She nods. "I see you're enjoying your Break?" Charly nods smiling gleefully. She took a box. 'more pancakes?' he wonders indeed. "I made some Waffles, I forgot to eat earlier so I guess why not now?"

'equally good!!!' Charly was happy, He didn't care which one Really both are good to him. Charly asked for a bite. "sure, you can eat" She softly said. He took a one. "Ahh! Waffles!" Heal tool some, "here you are!" Heal said with a full mouth.

Jade left the restroom and made her way back to her seat. "Oh... What's this?" This was awkward for both of them. They turned to Charly who was enjoying the pancakes and Waffles they both made.

'which one is it?'

Battle report: loss for both them and a win for Charly.

Mission #2: Sports impressions

"Charly you're up!" The P.E Teacher called, Charly is never been a big of sports, sure he may partake in some here and there but never really bothered with it.

Today the classes 8-A were Charly's team and 8-C and where Jo and Kai were.

And it was not them he was going against, it was The ace of Sports of 8-C "win if for us" Heal Pushed him the field. 'why is it tennis? Why not basketball?' As soon as he steps into the ring the ball came flying to Him. Charly Quick hit it...

The ball falls to the ground. 'I used too much force!' the ball splits into pieces. Everyone was... IMPRESSED! Charly faced palms "another ball"

"Ok let's do this again..." The Whistle rang out, and Charly was the one serving this time.

The top sports player was Afraid now, all he can see is a monster playing. "SCARY!" He was trembling.

Charly was also trembling, all the eyes and expectations were high for him... Charly prepares to serve... And shoots for it...

The Ace couldn't even react in time as the ball came just a couple of Centimeters near his head, as for the ball, it left a dent on the wall.

"Ok... That's enough, Charly we need to have a talk" 'ahhhh! No!' "Girls you're next two people pick your Partners"

Charly was dragged away by the gym teacher.

"Charly, do you want to sign up for the tennis team of Escura?" Charly immediately declined politely. "That's Quite Unfortunate..."

He frowned. Charly sighed and went out to sit down. "You're going to cheer for right?" Riley asked Kris, (why are you worrying?) "Oh well..." (Yeah, fine whatever, I'll cheer for you) "yay!" Riley went off to play. Charly sits down next to him, (such a headache) Charly knows that Feeling.

This the girls round now. They lost the coin flip. Jade was paired up with Riley, and Alice was with Angelice.

"Hmmm, we're going to lose," Angelice said, "why is that?"

"If there's one thing that Jade can do is swing something, look at that arm"

Jade was swinging around the racket with minimal effort put into the swing. "We're Lucky to face Charly"

"Why? You lose it the moment Charly smiles at you?, Ahhh! I was like you back then!"

"You had a crush on him?" "Yeah... Then I realized... Ehhh nevermind! Keep at it! With him, trust me he's a good pick"

"Can we just start this is making me quite uncomfortable..."

"Come on you never had embarrassing talks with your mom before?"

"Shut up!"

"So that's how it feels"


"He's watching you know," Riley said pointing with her lip. "Not now! Can you guys please stop that!" Jade looked away. "Sure... And you're definitely an "average" Girl, mmmhmmm" Riley was listening for Jade's answer. Jade was getting tired of this. "Hey, guys! Charly is Watching!" Riley said. Charly quickly covered his face.

They all grinned at the both of them. "There, now you'll have to play well"

"Ugh, that's going to make us worse!" Jade said looking embarrassed.

"Alrighty enough break, let's start" he blows the whistle, and Riley starts the game with her serve. Alice went in to swing it back at them. Jade sent it back. Riley and Angelice knew their place and they took a backseat as the main show goes on.

Occasionally going to keep the fire burning. Charly was watching the game, He was already amazed that no one was flattered yet, he liked what he was seeing, A good game is always enjoyable to watch.

But this is maybe a fake reality but reality no less someone had to slip up eventually... Right...? Right? Envy?

The entire gym was impressed by the two, they played like Superhumans, and they played as if their Lives depended on it. Eventually, the both of them could take no more... And they both fell exhausted.

The ball falls to Riley's side but she sent it back.."Jackpot!" Riley said "Round two!" Angelice continues. The P.E teacher didn't know if he should end it or keep going but it was too late he already lost control. Angelice and Riley were now playing.

Charly was impressed he hopes to strive to have that much energy someday! Maybe someday! Maybe if he tried instead of lazing around maybe... Just maybe...

"Can someone send these to the nurse?" Kris stood up, (needed help) Charly was a clear choice. besides nobody wants to miss the show. He sighed and went with them.

Battle report: both earn a point for impressing Charly.

Mission #3: make me smile

Smiling don't we all want to smile Especially if it's something we like or somebody we like? I think we do want to smile, don't you?

Today's mission is simple who can make Charly smile Genuinely? The simple answer is [Dear... God... Help me...] Memes! DNA of the soul. And wholesome anime.

Both they know all to well, but that's the easy way, they agree to make him smile by other means instead! Both of them are Idiots making it harder for themselves.

Charly was quietly sitting down in the office of the student council Alone and listening to some Piano... Charly was doing work, as for the others they went on a lunch break while staying behind, he wasn't really hungry that much.

He wonders why he rarely smiles, nowadays. It doesn't really matter, I guess. A fake smile can get you by, well but it's always nice it's a genuine smile...

A knock came From the door, Charly looks up, and Alberich came in. "Am I interrupting?" He shakes his head, Charly gave a warm smile and walks in closing the door behind him. He looks around the room, Charly just looks at the work he's doing.

Alberich sighed and sits down, "You interest me Charly..." He turned to him. "You are a great kid with Talent" Charly didn't think so, "don't think Like that, you should have more confidence in yourself" Charly didn't know...

"Well... The best thing you can do is keep being with us, Charly... Most of your classmates do Care for you, even if they think you're a weird guy, and your friends hehehe they are happy to be with you, they say you're funny and polite, they like being with you. And they said this already all they want to see out of is for you to be Happy to smile, they don't care if you quiet or weird, as long as you are Happy they are also happy" Alberich smiled.

Charly thought it was a bit weird to give a long speech about it but, that did cheer him up a lot, and in reaction to those words he gave a small but genuine Smile. Alberich was glad to win this mission,

He stood up, "I'll be back" he walked to the door and left the room, Charly was left with those happy words. Alberich looked to the right. "sorry ladies but I won this game" he walked away to the bathroom.

"This isn't working out" Jade said. "yeah... Maybe next time" Alice recommend. "Good Idea"

Battle report: another loss maybe another time.

The end.