Charly looked at the Classroom doors. He sighed, he's prepared for the screaming that's going to happen, after what happened in the group chat. Charly opened the door. "aaaaayyyyyyy He's here!" Hailey, the noisy Friend Charly made while going to a group project. "Yeah!!! Jade o! He's here" Leonard, An old Classmate from elementary, Alongside with Hailey they are both the noisiest Classmates in the room.
"Guys, make it quick! Jade is getting more annoyed" "let me go!" Niel a hopeless romantic trying to find love. "how did it feel?" Hailey asked.
Charly looks at her with a weird expression. "You're no fun pack it up you two"
"Noooooo! You girls are just doing it wrong! Here!"
Leonard cleared his throat and began to stare at Charly...
...silence... Crept around them. Charly nods his head. every boy in nods back. "Hoooyyy! Boy! You'd be surprised to hear what he said!" Leonard had a funny grin on his face. Charly sat down.
"What did he say?" "Something hilarious!" Leonard laughed. "Just boys things I guess" Jade said. "Very interesting!" Niel nods her head as well.
"Jade he said you need to brush your teeth" "what!?" She looked at him. Charly looks away slowly... "I'll have you know! That the toothpaste I used has the 10th dentist's approval!"
"Maybe you should switch brands" Charly smirks. "Seriously It's like our relationship dynamic hasn't change one bit!" Jade rolled her eyes.
A paper plane landed on Niel's head. She took it, she looked at it. "What this??? Love letter?" "Eeeee..." Jade and Hailey grinned. "Haha..." She opened up the paper plane.
"Hi this is not a love letter" Niel could a sharp objects pierce her heart. She continued reading. "This is Charly, Maybe I ask who is this boy who you are going to hang out with?"
"Ano toh ante!?" - "What this!?" Charly Shrugs. "It's a secret!" She crumpled the paper up. "Come on Niel just tell us!" Leonard moved his way into the conversation. "Shut up!" "Is it Ana?" "No!"
"Neo?" Hailey cleared her throat. "Me?" ... "Ew" ... "Ow"
"Oh! It's Xavier!" "I..." "hey X!" He lifts his head up... "Y-yeah?" "Get over here!" He slowly got up and walked over to him. "Do you need help?" He asked. "No... But I got a little something for you" Leonard pulled him closer. "this girl-" "AHAHAHAHAH! Very funny!" Leonard was shoved away by Niel.
Jade took hold of X. "W-what's Going on?" "Let's say your highschool life is going to get a little more interesting" Jade winks.
The end.
totally didn't forgot to publish