Chapter 3

George Heffner was going on nineteen on Saturday, he was hoping to ask Jean if she could go to the movies with him. He always tried to make her happy even though he was going through tough times at home.

His parents Dale and Rose Heffner always talked him down, he was never good enough even if he tried his best to please them, he always smiled for Jean even if she knew nothing about his family crisis, she was the adhesive to his broken heart.

Last week had been the worst of experiences he's had and when they heard about it, they merely reacted and brushed it off like it happened every day.

He didn't know he was being neglected and mistreated when he heard other kids talk about how their parents surprised them with a game box or a trip to the places they liked but none of it really mattered if his parents weren't even paying attention.

He'd grown to have trust issues and kept his thoughts to himself but she brought the fairest out of him, simply her presence was comforting, so he decided to spend the rest of the day with her.

He bought three tickets to see Done with the Wind then thought twice as it would only remind them of that day, he spent one hell of a day asking others to trade tickets but no one liked Classics, they wanted the gory and recent movies.

Begrudgingly, he got another ticket to see Webslinger: Homecoming. He took a deep breath and concluded it to be this evening.


Dylan Bradshaw wiped the lint off his motorcycle, at the small garage where he worked part-time as a mechanic for small change, if he paid rent, there would be little to stock up for a week.

Albert's mustache upturned throwing a towel over his meaty shoulder.

He was the owner of the workshop with grease pent up in the air and a big wall of tools that he had just polished, and cars that had been parked and marked to work on and others to be delivered to new car owners.

Albert did his best to keep the garage presentable but he could never fully accomplish that with people towing their cars from swamps and whatnot.

It was a small town so if folks needed help Albert's Workshop would be the first place to go, the only place to go. He was a respected and respectful man and simply said no if work was beyond his credibility.

"Your girl has never sparkled better. Time to throw in the towel"

"Yeah" he drawled making a few adjustments, testing the bike, it hummed smoothly.

"One last drive"

"To where?"

"EMAX. The manager's not on the seat and he can't come over right now to pick it up. Will you?"

"I can make it" It also gave him a chance to take it for a test drive, it was a rare Bentley, and given the ridiculously high-priced snacks and tickets, it wasn't hard to purchase such.

Which meant he had to leave his bike behind.

Albert smiled shoving his hands into his front pockets. "Thanks a bunch. I'm heading home."

"Ok," He said curtly and took the keys grinning like a maniac.

Albert bent under the garage door whistling.


He awed at the interiors, with the tinted glass, it was tempting to fall asleep in here, his heart raced as he slipped in the keys to start the car.

"Let's see what this baby can do" The manager wouldn't mind a mile or two. He smirked opening the garage door automatically and drove out while the door closed.

The speedometer stirred up while he steered checking the rearview for any cars following up. The sky ahead was a breathtaking pinkish purple with a path of trees, they rustled with the mild breeze, a good time to get his head out of the clouds.

It sped down the lane and he slowed taking a U-turn, he cackled watching a group of local police officers having lunch at a picnic table by the precinct.

He checked his flashy watch, just a few minutes to 7 p.m. and he would be on his way to the Filmhouse.


Jean sat back while she waited for George to get some snacks, as much as she wasn't into superheroes, it was his birthday so he could choose whatever he preferred, Scarlett on the other hand swung around a pole by the old arcade games making PYU PYU noises.

"It's Webslinger, not Star Battle"

"I know, I've been anticipating this for a long long time." She wrinkled her nose, she hadn't known George to be a Wonder fan, he usually stuck to romantic comedies and anime.

"What's taking him so long? Imma go get him" She said leaving.

Jean watched a car roll in from the road and a tall boy with black hair emerged, not only her but other girls noticed, admiring his muscular attributes. He was in a black outfit walking by a group of girls that huddled together whispering to themselves.

She was surprised when his wistful fiery eyes flashed at her, she swallowed when he touched on her, the way he approached her made her anxious, maybe he needed direction.

"It's you again" he let out smirking. Then held out his hand.

"Do I know you?"

He let it down, laughing at himself "I'm Dylan. Can we meet up later?"

"I have a boyfriend"

Dylan grinned but deep down, he was disappointed, she possessed lovely brown eyes, usually there was nothing to brown eyes but hers had a greenish tint under the lights. Her hair covered her shoulders, she was small and had a doll face.

Seeing her far different from her water-soaked, dizzy self was refreshing, she brushed her brown hair out of the way.

"Oh, that's good to know" He nodded shoving his hand into his pocket pointing a thumb out. "I'm gonna head in"

She nodded watching him leave.

George returned with two buckets of popcorn and a large soda. Scarlett caught the sight of the tallboy walking away, her eyes flashed and she quirked an eyebrow then shrugged.

Jean turned to them when they returned.

George had caught a glimpse of the boy towering over her while they talked. His mind was racing, entertaining doubts and false hopes, it couldn't be him.

"Who was that?" He asked.

Jean winced at his question "No one."

His expression changed. 'Oh-oh,' Scarlett worried stepping back.

"Don't lie to me, I saw the way he smiled at you"

"George, you're being hysterical" She retorted, she didn't like this side of him, as much as she tried to persuade him, he still was as distrusting as a badger.

Jean took the buckets from him with a sweet smile reminding him that it was his birthday and the least he should be is angry, he exhaled encircling her shoulders, she smooched him on his chin while they walked and his tight lips quivered till he smiled.

"Let's go watch the movie" She whispered and he scratched the back of his head, chuckling. He admired the sound of her voice.

Scarlett pushed them through the doors into the theater and they laughed.

The film was up and most people stayed through the end credits to see the teaser including Scarlett so they had to wait by the door.

"To be honest, I don't really like Webslinger" He ranted.

She snorted "I feel like you're doing this for Scarlett" She teased

His blue eyes rounded "No" he said defensively.

She knew he wanted to make sure her friend didn't feel like the third wheel and they were out to celebrate, not a date.


Scarlett gazed at the manager of the cinema walking outside with the black-haired rescuer, recognizing him.

They stood by a flashy red car and the manager took something from him.