Chapter 13

Jean gasped as she heard of what happened, hurrying to the door afterwards with the doorbell buzzing. Martin grinned when the family rushed to him in relief even Scott was happy.

"Guys, I'm fine"

"Ah put your money where your mouth is Marty, you almost got killed today," Etta said with worry and Gigi kissed him teary-eyed.

"You made it home"

"I'm always prepared," He said while they protested about him bragging about being an Eagle Scout when he was younger. He grinned at Scott a bit uneasy about how he clung on like a child.

"Need anything Scotty?" He teased and was relieved that the calls would reduce to a minimum and there would be no panicking for now.

Jean looked uneasy, she should've been more cautious about her words to Dylan, she must have done a number on him when she called him a rascal, she guessed he didn't want to be reminded of his father's predicament.

Her heart wrenched when she met Martin in the living room settling down, the case had to be put to a close and Erin was exempted for justifiable homicide.

Jean thought with everything she heard from him, he didn't speak about his work not especially when they would be the edge of their seats knowing what he faced in the long run as a police officer, he would want her to know because it favoured her in her career and because it ended well with the Bradshaws he hoped.

She hurried to his side after Gigi retired after sticking to him all day after that scenario with Etta chuckling when she passed by Jean gasped as she heard of what happened, hurrying to the door afterward with the doorbell buzzing. Martin grinned when the family rushed to him in relief even Scott was happy.

Martin authorised for the case to be closed permanently. He was so certain of it and was happy that the phone calls would be dropping soon and there would be no panicking for now and Erin was exempted for justifiable homicide.

He spoke to them about what happened although he didn't speak much about what usually happened in the long run as a police officer, it was terrible and nothing like the movies, you had to be in control of yourself from head to your toes knowing the possibilities of getting killed and that was what Dylan did today.

After all she heard from dad about the Bradshaw's history and the scenario today, her gut wrenched over what she said to Dylan.

She met Martin at the living room and sighed when he was alone, Gigi had been clinging on to him like an epiphyte on a forest palm tree all day with Etta chuckling each time she passed.

Martin faced her with smiling hard, he didn't need to read too hard to know that she wanted to ask a question, he tapped a seat and she shook her head biting her lip.

She took a deep breath assertive for the first time in maybe months, she knew deep down that her parents loved her and were nurturing people, she understood that she wasn't being a burden to them, Scott maybe in a way, no doubt and she was going to make them proud and make herself proud.

"Okay. Wanna watch The Altus with me?"


"Crap, I tried" He feigned disappointment and threw his arm up and she sighed plonking beside him to watch, following the plot, she was so engrossed in the show that she may have guessed the next line and dad groaned covering his face with a pillow toward the end when she truly did spoiling the show, she pouted

What? I thought you would have known."

 Martin suppressed a groan and had no choice but to send her off.

 She had time to hurry to Scarlett's house, she wasn't feeling too well, too active and she was beginning to have her concerns, hitching a ride on Scott's bike to her house, she knocked on Scarlett's door with a ...on it, a small canopy covered the door, she looked down when the door opened only to be welcomed by Scarlett in a sweater, she looked brighter and her skin glowed more than usual.

Jean smiled at the critter that crawled outside beneath her lifting a lizard with a red bowtie stuck to its neck, its tongue slid on its upper lip and they opened leaning toward a smile or it was yawning whatsover, Scarlett put her mom's pet lizard down walking out the door in a skinny jean and black lace shirt with the sleeves reaching her elbows.

"Oh good, you brought your bike?" She nodded and Jean looked back at her bicycle laying on the porch by the road and scoffed then faced her with a nod, Scarlett bought it and went back in to bring hers.

They cycled down the street and they laughed when Roderick the lizard's claw rested on the rim of her bike in the breeze with a layer of warm clothes at the centre of the basket.

They stopped by the cafe to have some coffee outside by the busy street, it was lively and they enjoyed the view of people walking by and cars with a tennis court up north, the competitors were running around trying to get a good swing at the ball and they laughed when the second fell.

She couldn't believe how beautiful the town was, her eyes lowered and her lips stretched to a smile at the birds holding down her strawhat to look at them as they glided away, her drink shook and she spilled some laughing, she hadn't been this peaceful in a long time and who knows what would happen next. She passed Jean a hefty notebook she kept in her pocket and Jean flipped through smiling at the pictures of them laughing and having a good time at the ball.

"I don't remember the last time I spent a full day with you without him around"

"Yeah? I'm here now" She shrugged and settled down, her tea was left untouched, coffee was all she had time for and she was so calm but she didn't understand why it occurred to her to get tea... maybe because Dylan asked her to take a break from caffeine overtime, she smiled at the thought of him snatching her glass to drink it and broke into a giggle.

Scarlett looked around and leaned forward with her arm on the surface behind her purse. "It's Dylan, he rescued you, Jean"

Jean perked up and laughed, she sipped some tea and looked up when the waiter arrived searching her purse for some change and paid the bills then reclined on her seat.

"Rescued me and you waited a whole session to tell me that?"

"I'm not kidding"

"I know you're not"