Chapter 18

"You think he did but you don't know he didn't"

He shook his head and his heart wrenched punching the wall. "Don't do this, don't give up on me, you need me Jean and you know it"

"You left me and he was there, I don't think I can ever bring myself to come back to you"

He scoffed resting his head on his arm, catching his breath, he was quiet for so long it startled her when his voice rumbled.

"You know the biggest flaw in your life right now Jean? You only know when something or someone is good for you when it helps you or your family,

you're stuck in your little web and that's your fault, not entirely, because you have great folks who pick you up and have your back,

you never imagined someone else needed your help unless you had something to gain, I was here too, don't forget that, I watched you struggle and cry over the bad times, I helped you!"

"Then why did you come here?" Her eyes turned bloodshot clenching her fists.

"Are you here to tie me down too?"

He stopped himself from talking about his crisis, it appeared that way, it was getting too complicated and she was looking at it through the nut hole of her pain.

"Are you saying he's not good for me?"

"I don't know what to say"

"So you're going to play God anyway!?"

She shoved him and he muffled his voice at the pain from hitting his lower back on the counter. Their hot breaths mingled, he looked down at her face, her cheeks were burning and her hair stuck to her tear-stained face, She sniffled and wiped her nose on her already tear-stained blouse.

Sad to say, she couldn't remember anything else about him. Only that voice, whispering in her ear. "He saved me"

He took her shoulders "Only that"

"Let me go"

"I'm afraid I can't"

"They say if you_"

"No, don't bend it to your interpretation, you don't know what it means!"

"Get out!"

"Where am I gonna stay?"

"I don't care, get out of my life! Go away George...please."

With a whisk of his clothes, he was gone, she covered her eyes and he turned to throw his hand up.

"The door's locked"

"There's a key on the table, use it!" She snapped and tempered when she heard the door close, it was safe to come out and she locked it again ridded, she banged her head on the door despite her head aching.


The next day


The morning was cold, the room was upside down with clothes everywhere, Scott searched the drawers and dug through his bag, clothes dropped and shoes scattered, he looked relieved at a black shirt but when he flipped it, it showed a Marley print.

He barged through the door and rattled her door till it opened.

"Where is my shirt!?"

She sniffed curling up at the bright lights when he flicked it on and off, her joints were sore and she didn't welcome him being so irrational at this time of day. She sat up at the time and shivered

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Where the hell d'you put my shirt?!" He barked forcing her to stand up, she winced at his sudden movement and glanced at the clock reaching only a few minutes to eight o'clock.

"Which one?" She squinted at the lights.

"Don't play with me!" He let her go and search her wardrobe and caught a pink journal and flipped through tossing it away.

"What is this, I'm late, I don't have time to rearrange"

"Sounds good to me" He heaped her clothes and she closed the wardrobe doors blocking him.

"I'll get it back after school" She bit her lip, not only did she make Scott angry, she forgot that if he treasured something, he would keep it in good condition which meant using it as least as possible.

She felt queasy and overslept, she had to face George as well to get it if Scott's temper and her anxiety would allow her to. Glancing at the door when she heard a knock then the knocking matured to a big blow.

"Why is this door locked?"

"Ask Jean, she lost my favorite shirt and a jean's missing, the good kind of jean not the one standing in my view"

"Let your sister_she's in there? What are you doing, you said you had math today!"

Gigi banged on the door "Get outside, now!"

Jean hunched as her mom drove in the car, her foot wasn't on the break so she quickly strapped on a seatbelt as the car skidded down the road.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

She shook her head.

"Whatever your problem is I think you'll have to deal with this on your own. My god, you're not even out of high school yet"

"I'm sorry, I overslept"

"Don't give me excuses, you're lucky you didn't sleep till the afternoon, better history than math"

She sniffed "I don't take history"


She parked and personally opened the door for Jean to step out passing her backpack, she squirmed at Gigi escorting her down the hall

"Mom, you don't need to escort me, I know how important this is"

"If you did then you wouldn't be late" Her eyebrows rose and fell when she stressed on "late" as they shuffled through, the halls were empty, only a few people sat on the floor to revise for their papers.

Gigi opened a door and the whole class turned at them.

"Mrs Rafferty, what a pleasant surprise" The teacher pulled up his glasses at her, wearing a brown coat and khakis with a scarf around his neck.

"Mister Ebnetter?" She nodded pushing her inside, everyone knew Martin and it wasn't a surprise that his "reputation" rubbed off on her.

Jean didn't know how to tell her when the other students snickered, others had time to copy off each other.

"I believed her class is the other way" He folded his arms with a pleased look at the both of them.


"Left" He nodded and the class laughed

"Not what I meant" Gigi grimaced and Jean pushed past her to leave.

"Are you going to walk me through my papers too?" She asked furiously clutching the straps of her bag.

"It was a common mistake. Jean?" Her mom said when the door railed against the frame after she entered the class.