Chapter 23

George forgot how nice Lavenders Grove was, it had the loveliest homes and parks, he wished he came here more often to see the spectacular views and streams, there had been even a road cleared for a parade, he had only a minute to watch the marching band strut by and he grinned at the parade leader as she marched by.

Who knew his dad only lived one town away, it would've been a thrill to meet up with him earlier, he sat up when the joyful noise died down gazing around the comfy car with beige seats that gleamed, he put his hand on the olives when the car rolled over a bump.

His mouth fell open at the flat-roofed deli with a red and orange sign that said Heffner's delicacies. The driver slammed the door shut and got behind the van to offload the boxes.

"Obrigado" Alec clapped his hand and they patted each other's backs like long time buddies and he left.

"De Nada"

George helped him take the boxes along with other staff to the place, he welcomed the chilliness after getting out of the sun,

the place was painted white and was big enough, he almost thought this was more a store than a deli.

It had bright lights hanging over the rooms and there was an industrial machine for making pizza effectively, a girl put it to use and he watched with awe when she finished.

Alec smiled "Welcome to my humble abode_ whatever, it's not my house, I was just..." He glanced at George "Nevermind"

"How long have you had this place?" He asked Alec had workers attending to them and catering to all their questions, customers were arriving and he did a bit of socialising to break the ice and did a lot of cooking himself.

"These olives are gonna go bad if we keep em for a day or two," Benedict said shaking his head, he wiped his nose and sniffed glancing at George.

"We'll have them on the menu, it's all we serve for today," Alec told him

"Right, like people aren't picky eaters, pfft, hey, how's it going?"

He waved a flour-covered hand, covered with flour as well, George saw as he was doing some heavy lifting a couple of bags of flour outside when he arrived and cursed at a sore finger.

His eyes searched his face then faced Alec, he was shorter with rough brown hair.

"This your kid?"

"Yes, you might say that"

"Holy Christ, he looks like you, he's got the eyes too. Why don't I see em? Hmm, where's his mother? You have been holdin out on me Alec"

"Hold on Benedict, those sheet cakes need your attention"

He pat Benedict's back when he shook his head at him leaving. George looked down at the macaroon he gave to him and saved it for later.

"Today, I'm my own customer, I need a break" He stretched his arms as they walked to a bench at the back away from the worker's place. George looked around at the long brown tables and high windows letting light in, it looked like an old cafeteria.

Alec held the top of his smoothie with his fingers twisting it.

"This used to be the restaurant before we switched things up"

"H_how long has it been like this?"

"A decade and three years, it's a reminder but I have plans"

"I wished you told me sooner"

Alec worked his jaw and something stirred up in his eyes. "I didn't know"

He gasped at that information.

"Rose told me she got rid of it. I couldn't forgive myself and neither would Dale, it caused a lot of problems between us, you see? I always thought I couldn't be the best dad, you know? With me running around and stuff but it hurt to also imagine what it would be like to raise a son"

His cup stirred and George grabbed it before the lid came off the straw.

"Why did she keep it from you?"

Alec looked at him as though surprised, his hair nodded when he shook his head in utter confusion. Why did she lie to him? Any lady would be dumping the baby at his doorstep.

"I don't know, I don't know George...if only I could take that look away"

George frowned "What look?"

"Resentment, you're angry with me"

He thought to himself for a minute, he didn't want to think about Dale, not even for a second. His hand curled up.

"I'm not angry at you, I'm not happy either"

"I am," He said feeling all sorts of emotions, from one degree of happiness to the other, his heart fluttered.

"Can you ever forgive me?"


Jean was home after getting discharged and she returned to the house with the worst headache multiplied by a mild gnawing in her stomach. Scott was home, she bit her lip, he looked lost in thought and didn't even notice her walk in.

"Hey Scott, I have something to_"

"Not now Jean" His eyebrows came together in a scowl. She winced, he was back to his usual cold self again, she wouldn't want to step on his toes or her clothes would be shrinking in the dry cleaner again. Something about his aura was baffling

"You left your food out cold"

"I'm not hungry"

He got a lot angrier nowadays and Martin wasn't home to sit him down and talk, he pushed everyone away and stayed out later than they would have expected.

Jean was starting to worry, he growled and got up from his chair when she was shell shocked and didn't know what to say, he left her in a reverie, she saw his phone buzz on the table and her eyes rounded at the message.

/I'm sick of hiding, I can't take this anymore and can we meet later, I promise, I'll explain everything/

The message had the details of the address, her eyes shook at the date and she dropped the phone, what was this about? she wouldn't be one to poke her nose on Scott's love life or social etiquette.

Could this be the girl she heard over the phone?