Chapter 26

Alec stepped back and George lunged at him, he groaned at the stab wound on his side and cursed at the warmth of the blood as it spread on his cloth, the black shirt made it harder to see.


"I made it clear that if you stepped into my house again, I was going to kill you"

Dale's eyes were feral and Rose saw he was raising the knife again to aim at George, she screamed pushing him away, they fell into the curtains that snapped and covered them.

George quivered at the bloodstain on the carpet and he glanced at Rose's lifeless hand and shuddered.

"Dad, are you okay?"


"Mom? Mom!"

Alec struggled to sit up with his hand on his wound, his eyes ran over the curtains when it ruffled and George stood up angry and growled lurching at his father to blow him several times. He screamed lifting his fist, it came down hard on his cheek rattling his teeth and bone setting his jaw.

"I'll kill you, you son of a bitch"