
 The house was sparkling and she touched the TV that didn't even have fingerprints on it and fresh flowers in the vase. She didn't envision the house cleaner than it was now and even the fan was clearer.

"Who did this?" She asked and dropped her bag and pushed back the chair to a dish that was covered and she opened it at the cream pie with the smiley face and picked up the fork, looking everywhere for anyone who would spring at her.

She giggled at the properly set table in delight and took a bite pleased at the sweetness, kicking out her foot, she winced when it hit an object and she looked down and under at the box pulling it out. It was her anniversary and Martin was thoughtful enough to leave her a gift.

She smiled and pulled the string.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hands off"

Scott said taking it and stepping back with the plate, she looked sad and swallowed.

"It's not?"