
 Martin returned home from another day of paper-pushing, all in a day's work. 

"Hey, where's Petunia?" He asked Gigi.

"Gone," She said and raised her hand at Scott who did talk to any of them focused on TV. 

"Gone where?" He glanced at Scott for answers.

"No" He declined and changed the channel.

Martin nodded a bit "I thought you were so sure"

"Give it a rest, dad," He said gloomily not so sure about it anymore. She was going to explode if she set her eyes on him again.

 He tried to get out of the house then stopped at Ruby on the porch staring up at him with beaded eyes without her collar.

 That was Scarlett's problem to deal with, not his, he thought and her head inclined to him when he moved away from her.

She tailed him and he stopped covering his face.