Scars “She's such a pain...leave me alone”.

That simple piece of paper just saved Jace's life. He got up and checked if his flying gear was okay, sadly the knife strick managed to render it out of commission.

He pressed on wards towards the meat locker. Though the door was closed a soft cold sent of raw meat permitted from the other side. Jace had soon realized why the mistress had done this, he opened the cellar door and he saw dozens of skinned people.

This was the life of the Quell Feathers, keeping the corpses of people cool to avoid from getting rotten. Jace walked in completely scared of the body around him, at every side he looked at there was a boy hanging from a hook.

Finally he found the chest the mistress had told him to get. The task was halfway complete know he had to take it back to the mistress's room.

He walked out of the meat locker scared from the graphic images forever engraved in his mind. Almost all the house Quell Feathers gathered in the dining room.

" seems all the other Feathers are here. Hurray. Ohhhhh Pretty eyes you've actually managed to get them. Alright, well a deal is a deal and you Rat get to have something special for actually fighting off shiny faced Zephyr.

Next time you desired to watch an other special episode, try to walk out at the right", Mistress Rodney said to Jace as she opened the chest, gave him a small cloth bag and winked at him.

The young Rat rushed to the basement where dozens of other children his age and younger were forced to live. Among the large group of Rats was one little girl, to be more specific Jace's younger sister Hilary.

Jace's pretty eyes weren't just for show, but also to show he had 20/20 vision that helped him spot her from even the dark basement. As usual she was with the one person who never liked him... Trinity North Quell Feather ᏆᏆ (the second).

Trinity and Hilary have always been friends, ever since the day Jace and Trinity mate in the garden, young Hilary has always been breaking up there flights.

Jace and Trinity though from two completely different backgrounds, are extremely alike in personality, Character and even emotional wise.

Hilary unlike her elder only has one colorful eye, but unfortunately she's not able see anything with it. With only one working eye and a skinny body, her brother helps out with as much as he can.

" Jace!", Hilary yelled as soon as she could see his entire body. " Hey Hilary, look I brought you something. I had to go through a lot to get this just for you", " Wow thank you Jace, what is it?", Hilary said in her sweet little voice.

" Please tell me you washed whatever is there. Hhhh... You do realize that there germs every were, your so irresponsible sometimes", Trinity said to Jace.

Hilary opened the small bag, before she smiled and said " Wow this is that stuff we used to find back at the Rat Nest, though they aren't trying to run away". Trinity was wondering what was in the bag and to her surprised the little girl shaved her face with the stuff.

One of them managed to fall to the ground and Trinity paused at the sight of cockroaches. The young girl was eating the cockroaches as though it was her last meal.

Trinity was disgusted to see the insect, " Did you just give your little sister Cockroaches?", "well yeah, that what we eat. She can't cat meat because of her weak stomach and just don't like thought of eating someone who was probably my cousin. It's not easy, but I try to look for something besides meat for us to eat, everyday.

If you really want some you can got have up stairs your Families having some big dinner", the said in a provocative manner.

" Ohhh no it's today, that useless Promised Land eve. For your own information it's the day before the actual National Promised Land day...the day this place was formed.

I hope father doesn't get too angry I'm not in my room. Okay I guess I'll see you later", Trinity said before running off.