Intruders “It seems there's a town up the mountain. Rumor has it that they have lots of water”.

The National Promised Land day had finally arrived, this was a day when the Church Order celebrated the founding of the Provincial Promised Land.

This was the best event of the year, a time when hundreds of thousands of residents have a massive festival before the Provincial meeting. Usually this was the only time the Rats were treated respectfully, due to the possession of unique items obtained during there time outside.

Among the stands that were set up there was one in particular that looked completely different from what the residents were used to.

Running the stand were three fit Men dressed in some short fuzzy fabrics. " Come on ma lady your beautiful enough to try out this out standing perfume. You won't regret it", the one in the clothing section said.

Then a Pathfinder approached one of them asking " Who us? Isn't it obvious were Wonderers looking for valuable resources to survive, this place isn't the only inhabited city on the main land you know.

Since you've asked so kindly were the Wonderers no pan Intended, that is the name of our little group here. Jet, Les and Pop at your service", Jet said we a dastard grin.

" Just don't spook the residents or I'll be on your necks", " Don't worry sir we'll be just fine! Have a wonderful day!", Pop said loudly.

There goal was to steal as much water as possible. They used there stand as a trojan horse to as the fourth member Flu snooped about looking for the reservoir.

During his snooping he stumbled upon something that caught his attention, it was some kind of training/obstacle course. " they must be training there younger generation for some special expedition, but why on earth would someone who has everything, what to send out special trained force... very interesting indeed".

At long last he did covered a massive underground reserve that was right benith the Trench Cort. Flu managed to collect as much water as he could from the dozens of pipes that connected to it.

He returned to the rest of the Wonderers with all the information he learnt on his expedition. " This is interesting, very interesting... this place truly is a Promised Land. Come on let's leave for now and go look for some....", Jet said before getting interrupted by the sounding of a trumpet.

It was the Pathfinder-explorers that were sent out to search for as many useful Items as possible... though what caught even the attention of the greedy Wonderers was the massive five meter long, four tan mechanical humanoid body.

Interested in there finding, the Wonderers asked for the price, but where sadly renounced there purchase of the mech. They were on the other hand give the location of where they had found it. They left as soon as they had the coordinates.

Trinity searched the house tirelessly for both of them. Sadly she couldn't even find a clue of them still being alive...She glumly walked out of the house because Esperanza was calling her.

" Espy I can't see them anywhere, Hilary and Jace are gone, I fear they might have not ..." Trinity said as she slowly burst into tears.

" Tri! Please don't worry, I'm sure there in a better place now... there's nothing else we can do. Maybe just pray for them to get better activities up in the after life", " That's not helping", Trinity said to Esperanza as they walked to there Quell Feather crawler;

It was a large classy vehicle that was designed to sustain as many as thirteen people in the most luxurious way possible.

The two young ladies walked into the massive vehicle, but noticed that Lord Zephyr wasn't able to make the trip. Mean while the lord had been testing Jace's will protect his sister.

" Vermin! The cold harsh truth about your life is that none of you are related, your nothing more life stock waiting to be butchered and served on a stainless steel pleater.

There is a way to prolong both of your lives and be respected by even us. He has to become a Pathfinder, protecting the Promised land with your life against threats".