Dinner “A mother can't be replaced”.

"Ammm, why is your brother calling me Anabelle's boyfriend?", " Ohhh Verdoly's not a big people's person so for the fact that he's even bothered to give you a title is amazing, he must see you as important", Jeffrey said.

" I don't know if I should be flattered or afraid. The Dahmers have always been an eye grabbing bunch, each time any one hears your name they get thrown into a state of fear". " Well that's how it's supposed to be... The people of this land should trembled at the sound of our name, simply because we have no equals.

Being tasked with deadly job tends to take it's toll on one's self ", Jeffrey said to Jace as they walked towards a wooden statue shaped like a person, with it's arms stretching forward.

Beneath it were a large number of wine glasses and Jeffrey picked one up, before pulling the wrist of the statue allowing red thick wine pour into the glass.

" Did you know that this blood wine. It requires a lot of ingredients some of which are close to impossible to collect, that's why we're also know the Vampire Family at times...", " Well I'm not a fan of blood wine or meat, but I do understand what it's like to be so passionate about something you end up becoming a monster in the eyes of others just to achieve your goals", Jace said in a soft but saddle tone.

The two then pressed forward to the dinning room, " Jace tell me have ever cared for someone? ", " Well yeah of course...let me not lie to you, my parents probably died the day I was harvest from my mother. A couple of year late I found a little girl with genetic trait similar to my own, so I called her sister and she called me brother.

I made a promise to protect her no matter what and on my journey of doing so, I mate somebody... no we mate someone else who treated us like human beings...so we ended having our own Mother, so yeah there are people I care about", Jace said with watery eyes.

"What a coincidence, it seems were more similar than I anticipated. Did you know that Verdoly, Anabelle and ever other child in this house all have completely different mothers. Our father has been married six times, you see females of the Dahmer family were biologically enhanced in such way that they are only to give birth to one child in there life time.

I know what you're thinking and Yes the Dahmers interbred with there own kid in our to create pure bloods also known as the Final Sprouts. But our father was getting tired of this hall family experiment rubbish, so for his sixth wife he selected an outsider... Everyone was furious, but they couldn't do a thing.

You see our Father has the highest concentration of semi-pure blood, and he's mastered everything someone of his level can achieve. So once he did marry we couldn't do a thing about it, the woman was different from us she was friendly, kind, worm hearted, she put our needs first. Even though Anabelle almost killed her like five times... she never once showed any signs of treachery, we slowly started to accept Her as one of our own.

The time we caught word that she was pregnant we all got really excited, it was as though we were going to have a real baby in this house. Anabelle was the one who was the most excited. When the baby arrived the Sentinel noticed something really shocking about the baby, she had sky blue eyes a clear sign that she was one step away from having spectrum eyes.

He rejoiced because she had a special type of blood that would enable her to have pure breeds off the bat. All of our families troubles were fading away, but one dark and horrible night hundreds of outsiders breeched the Promised Land and we were all forced to leave the mansion. We left her... alone with out anyone to protect her.

I can still hear my father's screams from that day, there was so much blood... everywhere", Jeffrey said as tears rushed down face.