On hearing the strange voice. Blu was instantly transported into a white scenery with mist covering most of the ground floor. Blu felt like he was interred.


He then hears a silent noise, as he looks back to see who it was, he noticed a white shadowy figure glittering beyond the horizon.


Afterwards, he noticed the figure getting closer. Blu attempted to move on seeing the figure, but he could.


As he attempted again, he could notice the white figure getting closer. After a short while of struggling, he was then able to move and turn his face.


On sighting away from the white figure, it dawned to Blu the white figure was already in front of him.

The mysterious figure was pale white, with only its parts partially visible


Blu was greatly frightened as his eyes dilated on the sight of the mysterious figure. His heart belated faster than racing engine. This continued until eventually.

*Diiiiiiii... Beep*

He felt a great pain enough that his heart stopped. It seemed like something had

grabbed his heart and was trying to smother it.

The mysterious figure opened its mouth and said.

[Rrreeellleeeaaassseee mmmmmeeeee]

Blood flowed from its eyes, raining down to the ground.

The only word that could describe what Blu felt was 'FEAR'.

Afterwards, the figure disappeared into the air.


Blu felt a great pain enough that he felt his body being splinted apart for a few seconds. The pain was very eerily.


He then later found himself kneeling on the snow with his hands stuck between the snow. It felt cold as his hands were in the snow for a few minutes. It took Blu a while to notice he was back at Area 02.


As he glanced at his stomach. He took to notice there was nothing, his stomach was completely fine, without a single blood to be noticed

'What? I am sure I just died'.

Pondering as he was perplexed by the sudden development. He knew clearly he had died, but seeing he was still alive after having his stomach gouged out. Blu was astonished.


On hearing the once familiar sound. Blu looked forth, his eyes came to contact with a familiar sight—he saw the same klaur that killed him.

'Huh? Why?'

After a few seconds, wondering what had happened? That was when it hit Blu.

'Did I just go back in time?'


The klaurs then made a sound, as it was getting ready to charge into Blu again.


The klaur breathed out heavy breaths of warm air around as its eyes gazed strongly at Blu.

Blu said to himself again.

"Like hell, I am going to die again".

For Blu, it was the first time he had said those words to himself. It was like—he had been possessed by a spirit.

Despite knowing he had no chance against the Klaur. He built up the courage to stand as he clutched the sword firmly.


The monster rushed in as in that instant snow was gathered on its movement, making it seem like a steam train in the winter.


Dust of snow covered the whole scene for a few seconds.


Afterwards, the dust dissipated as to what could be seen was that the Klaur had missed as Blu had moved out of the monster way. The klaur was perplexed by the sudden disappearance of Blu searched.

Meanwhile, Blu was out of the monster's sight, just at its blind spot.


His sword sparked on as he clutched onto the sword. Blu glanced and noticed the klaur in disarray.


Blu shouted out as he rushed into the klaur with his sword up high, aimed at its right side, with an attempt of striking the klaur down.


All that could be heard was the sound of the monster struck down.


The klaur screamed in agony, over the pain of being struck down at its sides for a while.


Eventually, it fell to the ground, making a huge collision with the snow. The klaur's body was dissipated with black dust formed from it.


As Blu watched the black dust lingering in the air slowly dissipating. He huffed as the cold of the snow gathered.


Subsequently, he fell down after losing the feeling of his legs.

Ahh, I thought I was going to die... Wait, didn't I just die, and what was that 'future phase?'


Blu then heard the sound of the klaur again. As he glanced back he noticed their numbers were over 20.

He pondered on sight of the great number of menacing klaur.

'It seems like they just don't give up'.

Afterwards, he held onto his sword and stood up in a guard stance to fight.

On holding out his sword, he heard a voice again.




He felt a sharp surge in his brain, as what he saw were memories overflowing his mind.


He yelled out as the pain of the memories flooding his brain. It appeared like his brain was being squashed inside out.


Later on, Blu lost consciousness.


After an hour, Blu woke up only to find himself holding the sword.

He wondered,

'Huh? What happened? If I remember correctly, I held my sword then...'.



Blu felt a short sharp pain on his head. Afterwards, he then looked around and noticed there were no klaur.

"Where are the klaur?",

He said as he surveyed.


On feeling a weird sensation, Blu noticed after a long while, that his friends were nowhere to be found.

*Thud, Thud...*

As Blu rushed to the facility, he recalled the dream he had.


I should have noticed this since the dream, the sudden test. Those were all signs that something was going to happen.

Aria, Leo, Noire, Eli, Phil, Lepus, Alice,

They were all good guys that always helped me out, always there when I felt like I was going to never leave this place.

Always dreaming of a better future together. We all promise that we would all be adults and do the thing we never had to do.

Even though I knew they were all stupid dreams.

Indeed, even I realized that, but please let nothing bad happen.



After Blu passed through the gate, he searched and searched for his friends, but they were nowhere to be found


Breath heavily after being exhausted from excessive running. Blu felt pains over his body.


On hearing this, Blu glanced at the gate as he noticed. Aria, Leo, Drok, Mary and Lisa all injured from their fight with the klaurs.

And lastly, on arrival, what Blu saw was a gruesome scene, as Alice, Eli and Noire were all dead lying on the levitating stretcher.

Blu was beyond shocked by the devastating sight.


{Commander's office}

There under the bright light of the sun, the Commander stood while watching the test run.

At first I was surprised by the sudden call to lead the project of Area 02, but now I have finally found why the Queen trusted me with the project.

And that's protect this facility from producing any more abominations to this world, though I don't know why she still approves this project.

He then glances down as he notices the subjects coming out of the gate.

It seems like we have lost a few test subjects during the test run, but that doesn't matter as long as I find what secrets this project holds

The test subjects seem like fiery fighters. So it doesn't matter if a few is dead.

The Commander smirks as he says.

"This batch truly has it in them".

Nevertheless, I didn't expect a defect to make it through without a single scratch.



The secretary then walks in with a fierce expression and said.

"Sir, it's time for the meeting".


The Commander ponders as he turns to stroll out.

Seems like the professor hasn't found out about my involvement with the test run.

But that doesn't matter, as long as I know they aren't going to be a problem coming forth.


He then leaves the room.