Back at the cafeteria.

"Yes, the distraction we would need is in the storage building, which doesn't have much security. We are all going to head down to the building first, and steal some spells—".

After talking for a few minutes, Blu perceived they had all been nodding without a single response.

He then asked,

"I believe you all have an idea of the spells we are getting?"

Shocked by the question, they paused before answering.



Blu lowered his head in disappointment.

Afterwards, Drok said.

"I know..."

In joy over hearing what Drok said, Blu raised his head, saying to himself.

— Yes, Drok, at least someone understands me.

Drok then said.

"We just have to break the doors with our fist".


Blu's expectations were defeated, as he let out deep breaths.

'It seems like I am talking to dummies'.

'The reason for stealing enough spells would be because I am all out of spells without a single one left'.

Still Blu was optimistic about the whole situation, as he ignored contemplating and just talked.

"We would need the explosive spells, and not just one, a lot of them,

Then me and Aria would head to the lab,

Leo and Lisa head to the [men in white] Quarters

Drok and Mary would stand guard at the storage facility".

As Blu recalled their incident as the 'Hidden Room'.

He said.


The main reason why we would go to the lab is to pay respect to our lost friends, as they all died, and are watching over us.


A short while later, Blu brought out small ear buds, as he said.

"Also, here are some [comms] I was able to steal over at the storage building, for use.

They use mana for communicating, so there are no worries about what you say getting wiretapped.

First thing, when you hear the [point 1: lab] explosion go off, from the [Omega team] that's us, Leo and Lisa, [Beta team] are to explode [point 2: The main building] and the Drok and Mary, you both are our main unit, [Alpha team],

If anything goes wrong, inform me through the comms by saying [Code red]".

They all responded.


As they all put on the [comms], Blu thought,

— Wait, does any of them even know how to drive? Though they all should know due to the substances they gave us... Let me ask.

Blu asked,

"Does anyone know how to drive?"

Mary reacted saying.

"...ehmm I know",

With a brightened expression, he said,

"Ok, Mary, you are to pick the best vehicle you can find".

Following a short while, Blu said.

"Alpha team, when you have picked up a vehicle, you would need to take as many weapons and foodstuffs as you can. Then when the second explosion goes off, you are all going to set off a third explosion in the storage building to avoid them from following us, and then head out to the gate,

We are all to endeavor there",

"So is everyone clear on the plan?",

They all responded


Blu then brightened their mood with a short motivation.

"Remember, when we leave this place, we would no longer be tied down to this facility,

So make sure you all live your lives to the fullest".

After encouraging them all, he pondered,

—Though my plan looks sloppy and there is no backup plan. If all goes well, we could escape, if it doesn't, we all die.

It's a huge risk, but I am willing to bet it all.


Afterwards, 12:00


The night wind whipped carrying cold air from—the atmosphere and the snow bringing a freezing sensation towards the test subjects under the starry sky.


"It's cold".

Blu whispered as he felt the cold sensation caressing his body, while he and the test subjects walked to the thick snow, giving off small crunchy sounds as their feet steeped deep into the snow.

"Why am I the only one feeling this cold?"

He blurted out, observing he was the only one responding to the cold while the others walked without a care of the freezing weather condition.

Mary turned over and said.

"Why don't you turn on your suit?"

Perplexed by Mary's statement, Blu said.


She then pointed out to her wrist, indicating a blue strap on contact while she said.

"The combat suits protects against weather conditions".

He then gazed over at his wrist, tapping with his other hand, and noticed a cyan blue strap, showing the suit's functions.


The suit glowed with cyan blue light lines running round. Afterwards, the light dissipated, and Blu then opened his mouth to say, as he could feel a warm sensation from the suit.

"Ohh... So there was a function like that".

They all glanced over at Blu in dismay, as their leader could figure out the suits functions.


Later on, the doors opened as they arrived at the storage building.

On sight was a large 2-floor hangar with different airships packed. To Blu, it gave off the feeling of an aircraft museum.


Blu was completely lost in thought over the mesmerizing sight of the airships.

'I've only ever been to a museum on school trips, but seeing one up close plus the futuristic designs... Haahh... Amazing'.

Immediately Leo snapped Blu out of thoughts as he said.

"Hey Blu, what are we going to do now?"


'I forgot I was too mesmerized with the sight I forgot about the task at hand'.

Blu then put on a hard face as he said.

"For now, let's search for the spell boxes, to be exact, we would need as many as we can carry".


Swiftly, they then rushed on, to search for the spells.

While searching, Blu noticed Mary, who was next to a large airship, saying.

"Hey Blu, why can't we take an airship instead?"

Blu responded.

"That's going to be a problem for us if we did. Airships are large to hide under the snow, plus we might risk being found out if we did. That's why we are taking the vehicles. It's easy to dispose of them".

"Found the spells!"

Drok shouted out from the top floor while waving his hands to signal Blu.

As Blu noticed this, he whispered silently.



On strolling to the top floor, Blu felt a weird zapping sensation and pondered.

'Why am I feeling this weird sensation when everything is surprisingly easy and according to plan? It appears like I'm doing missing something'.


Whilst pondering Blu felt something had bumped into him.

As he glanced he noticed it was Aria. "Sorry".

He said as he then pondered.

'Well, for now, let's just ignore it'.


Afterwards, 1:00

{professor's lab}

Outside the building, Blu and Aria stood, while checking out the coast for any [men in white] coming, as they planted a bag filled with [Explosion Spells].


After dropping the bag, Blu then said, calling the rest of the teams.

"All teams are you ready".

Drok and Mary, who are both outside the storage building, responded

"Team Alpha, ready".

Leo and Lisa answered from outside the command building, said.

"Team Beta, also".

Blu in joy over their response, said.

'Phew... Seems like they all made it to their points'.

He then turned onto Aria, signaling her, as he said

"Aria, set up the explosion".


Aria then dropped the bag while releasing her mana unto it.


Explosion spells, this is one of the spells made by fusing your mana into small balls called spells. Each spell has its own specific purpose, depending on the words written on it.

Still, it seems like this world also has its own way of things.

Normally I could simply configure an explosion spell to be enough to take down the whole facility in one blow, but the mana capacity needed would take a lot, and that's the more reason why we would all need to pack up a lot of the spells to make it as effective as cluster bomb


Blu smiled as he whispered over his breath.

"This will be our last day in the facilities, so it's best to send some gifts over".


After Aria had released her mana to the spell. The runes inside the spells glowed an azure blue light.

Instantly she turned, telling Blu.

"The explosions are ready".


Blu then carried the bag, throwing it into the nearby window.



On landing, the bag glowed, radiating through the window.

Aria and Blu then ran as he said,

"In 3...2...1...go!"