The brother

Muse's teacher suspected that there was something to happen. He couldn't understand why she always looked miserable. She hardly had any friends. Her classmates found her so mysterious. This morning, therefore, he asked her to find him in his office during the break. He is the principle teacher of his class. So, during the break, Muse did go to his teacher's desk. He was sitting behind his desk manipulating his computer. At the sight of Muse, he stopped what he was doingand said to her smiling

- Muse! You are already there ? Please take a seat!

- Thank you sir! The latter replied by doing so.

- So how are you ?

- I'm fine sir. Muse replied in a timid voice.

- Are you sure about it ? It doesn't look like reading your face. At these words, she looks down and does everything possible not to shed tears. His teacher is not wrong. Muse hasn't been able to sleep normally for over a month. Since her uncle's long absence from home, she is the last to sleep and the last to wake up. At egg, she closes her eyes and opens them again that it is already morning. Having managed to fight back the tears that threatened to bead her delicate cheeks, Muse looks up and forces a smile. She then told her teacher

- Everything is fine, sir ...

- And why are your grades so bad? It's not even in my little one only, but most of your teachers complain about your grades dropping and you sleeping in class.

- I'm sorry! Muse whispered not knowing what to say to her teacher.

- Listen Muse, I'm your homeroom teacher. I would like you to tell me what's wrong. LThis year you will take the baccalaureate. You are not allowed to make mistakes. Is there something bothering you at home? Her teacher's voice was so reassuring and sweet. But Muse can't tell him anything. She is afraid of attracting the thunderbolt of her stepmother. Like brown on iron, the witch's voice echoes in her head

- The day you open your mouth to talk and tell your uncle what you're going through here or anyone out there, know that the day it falls back into my ears, I'll make you go through hell. Your uncle is never home. And so, I can make a king whatever I want. Muse had told herself that if what she was doing to her wasn't hell, then she would be ready to slit her throat when she found out that she had been able to talk about her one day. Just imagining that day made her wince with fear. She hastened to tell her teacher as she stood up

- No no! She turned on her heel and left her office. She just can't talk to him. It is putting her head at a price of money. She prefers to handle the situation on her own. Mr. Tela would have wanted to help her so much. If only she could tell him what's wrong! Maybe then he would help her. But he understood that she was afraid. In the evening, right out of school, she rushes home because she is aware that her stepmother is waiting for her, counting the minutes. Nevertheless, when she arrived this evening, her stepmother was not at home. She hissed in relief. At least she won't be greeted by mean words from the latter. As soon as she took off her uniform, Muse hurried to the kitchen to do whatever chores she could find. As she got down to it, she heard voices coming from the living room. She came out of the kitchen to see who was there. It was her stepmother with a young man who, as soon as she appeared in the room, stopped talking and looking at her with an expression on his face that she couldn't explain. But she told herself that she doesn't like that expression at all.

- She came timidly to take the luggage that was there on the ground.

- Good evening mother ! Good evening sir! She said to them respectfully.

- Good evening Muse! Take this luggage to the guest room and make sure it's neat and tidy. This is my little brother Pen. From today, you will have to take care of him like a member of this family! Her stepmother ordered.

- OK! Muse replied, carrying without complaining the baggage that weighs for her little arms. She bustled about tidying up the guest room as she had been ordered. While she was on the task, the future guest of the room made his entrance even before she had completely finished. He opened the door and stared at her like a dog in front of the bone. Muse was so focused on her duty that she didn't realize that someone had entered. Having changed the sheet on the bed, she looks up to put the towels on the toilet. She ran into Pen who had already been there for a long time, watching her. She felt the urge to tear her eyes out of his head, but there was nothing she could do. Besides, she was no one in this house. The only thing she can do is keep a low profile and avoid, as far as it is within her power, trouble. But what she ignores, trouble doesn't need to be avoided. They come on their own when we least expect them. She comes out dodging Pen. She heads for the kitchen to finish the chores she had started to do. But on her way there, she heard loud voices coming from the living room. She walked quietly into the kitchen and tried to see more about it. Listening carefully, she realized that it is the voice of her uncle and that of his wife.

- Do I have to ask your permission beforehand before my family members come to my house? She hears her stepmother say.

- I didn't say that you have to ask my permission for visits or short stays. We are talking about a stay of more than a year here! Muse's uncle replied in a calmer tone.

- Oh yes? And your bastard niece, when you brought her here, did you ask my permission anyway ?! She retorted.

l- Don't confuse things. Muse is a child unlike Pen who is already an adult and moreover he works. Besides, don't pretend I haven't told you about my intention to bring her to our house.

- Are you saying that you just told me about your intention to bring her in ?! Did you wait for me to give my consent beforehand? Asked the stepmother.

- You know what, there's no point in arguing with you. You're just bitching like usual. Said Muse's uncle, taking the exit door again.

- Yes, that's it, go away! Run away like you're used to! She said it when she got up to go to the kitchen. Before realizing that her stepmother was approaching her, Muse didn't have time to go back to her chores. As soon as her stepmother saw her with her head glued to the door, she said with a scowl

- What are you doing here ?