Liverpool (4)

In the 61st minute, Steven Roger stole the ball from Kazuki's feet. He passed to Tony Cross. Cross clashed elbows with Simone for the ball. Cross stuck his foot forward and pulled the ball hard. The ball moved through the gap between Simone' legs, he then spun and controlled the ball, a moment later Cross passed the ball to Maddison.

Maddison received the ball but Freddy hit it hard. The referee blew the whistle, he then gave Freddy a warning. Meanwhile, Maddison immediately made a quick free-kick. He provided a pass to Sisinho. Hilton straightened and blocked Sisinho's pass at Ahmed. Forcing himself into a position like this will only make Liverpool's attack fail, Crage gave the ball to Henderson who rose to help attack. Henderson immediately gave a long pass towards Coutinho. The ball flew high to the right.