A chance to win

Okhalo gave the ball to Ryan. Ryan brought the ball forward. He broke free frok Dembele by outpaced him. After that he accelerated his running. Ryan's speed slowly increased. He was running past Kyle Walker. Then, Ryan provided a through pass into the middle. Kazuki received the ball and shot it. The ball passed Tottenham goalkeeper, Llorente, and shake the net.

Southampton counter-attack managed to make them 2-0 up against Tottenham. This advantage will make it easier for Southampton to win the game. On the other hand, the goal also made Tottenham confused. They looked surprised by Southampton's second goal. Southampton's two-goal advantage was a burden that will continue to grow as the game progresses.

At the end of the first half, Tottenham attacked Southampton all out. However, Southampton was lucky, they were able to keep their goal from conceding. Until the end of the first half, Southampton was still able to maintain their advantage.