
Konno blocked Zelatta, who was trying to break through the box, but the Spaniard deflected the ball with ease. Then he gave a shot towards the goalpost. But Kawashima swiftly blocked the ball, unfortunately the ball bounced in front of Fabregas. Fabregas pushed the ball. The ball plunged into the net. Score changed to 3-2.

In the 79th minute, Pique gave Busquets a pass but Honda was pressing Busquets, so he couldn't play the ball comfortably, after that, Busquets sent the ball forward. Before Iniesta received the ball, Endo was cut the pass. Then, Endo sent the ball to the right flank. Kagawa gave the ball back to Uchida.

The Japanese right-back provided a breakthrough pass to the front. Kagawa duel against Spanish left back, Arbeloa. This time Arbeloa failed to defend Kagawa. The Japanese winger provided the pass into the middle of the penalty box.